Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

The Ideal Build Requirements

  • Member
    January 8, 2014

    Can you give an example of walkthrough section? Agreed on screenshots/artwork choice 

  • Member
    January 8, 2014

    I see your point jake  You should teach me that HTML trick for table formatting 

  • January 8, 2014

    I usually just blend it in when discussing perk placement. It just brings a little credibility to a build because you're providing a synopsis of what to expect at which level and of course a brief idea of what order to do things in...

    "Perk placement for the Kingslayer is kept tight and pretty specific. During the earliest levels select the mage stone and prioritise conjuration to allow smooth casting of the Kingslayers weaponry and adept level minions. The ring of Namira is an integral part of this character and should be acquired quickly for a health and stamina bonus, a couple of early perks into alchemy to create better healing and resistance potions is also recommended.

    Complete Ironbind Barrow at the earliest opportunity for a set of steel plate armor and if you’re feeling brave killing the dragon priest Vokun for his mask provides an excellent early game look. Any dragons that stand in your way should be torn from the air with the bound bow.

    The death-knight playstyle is always entertaining and through diligent use of Raise Zombie and Bound Sword you’ll have a Dremora by level 18 and access to the atronach forge by around level 22 for the characters true armor. Be sure to break off at level 20 to complete Mehrunes Dagons quest for the Razor, there are four dremora at his shrine and at least two ebony ingots which provides an excellent head start at the atronach forge.

    The steed stone should be selected as soon as the sigil stone has been acquired from the conjuration ritual quest and it’s here that archery and sneak can start playing a bigger part in the Kingslayers playstyle. The upgrade to daedric armor obviously strengthens this character significantly but it can also limit role-playing options, I suggest joining the Volkihar and Dark Brotherhood at this point to permanently remove your character from ‘normal society’ and maybe treat yourself to a red-eyed horse to go with your red-eyed hound…

    It’s very unusual to see all five stealth perks maximised in a build these days but after some testing they make a big difference and I felt it was important that this character was naturally talented at stealth rather than clumsily taking potions. Those five perks combined with the ‘Champion of the Night’ vampire bonus allow the Kingslayer to perform nightmarish acts such as approaching enemies from the front and just looming up in their faces…"

  • Member
    January 8, 2014

    Sure, just fire Ben a request to join the sandbox group I've put up a wealth of information in there.

  • Member
    January 8, 2014

    I see, at first I imagined something like Character Build Playtest (by the way when's the next one? ) but now I can see how to work it in the build without feeling too dry and all-out professional. Snakes also seems to use the similar style of blending walkthrough

  • Member
    January 8, 2014

    *shakes fist at tables being bad practice for formatting design elements instead of data*

  • Member
    January 8, 2014

    Now what's that supposed to mean Ponty?-- when used properly tables actually works very well.

  • Member
    January 8, 2014

    It *works* but you're supposed to use divs/spans instead

  • Member
    January 8, 2014

    Well, that's true but learning how to use tables will open up many different ways in how you present yourself. It's also much easier to do rather than making multiple divs and spans to make a ... well table or chart. In short... with coding, you must think outside the box or you'll never know what's possible even more so with ning blog.

  • Member
    January 8, 2014

    1) Backstories should generally be kept short, and generally lend themselves to talking about the motives that drive the character and not a bunch of excessive detail. If they need to be longer, it shouldn't be posted in the CB group. That being said, I'll give it a pass if I find it genuinely enjoyable (which typically doesn't happen).

    2) I generally prefer screenshots, but artwork is great as well. What's more important to me is that the pictures are relevant and of good quality.

    3) Roleplay should generally be kept to a minimum, while gameplay should be elaborated upon and detailed. Some of my builds have longish roleplay sections, but that's because I try to incorporate gameplay objectives into them (like my Shezarrine).

    4) Somewhere between 50 to 60 is good. The important thing is that the perk spread doesn't come off as "incomplete."

    5) As long as the equipment can be obtained without mods/console commands, I'm good. That being said, if you're using difficult to obtain equipment, I strongly suggest providing alternatives to use in the meantime (my Quarra's a good example of this).

    6) Perk spread image is ideal, but if you can't manage that, a Skyrim Calculator link is the next best option, in my opinion.

    7) The particular sections don't matter me so much as that they are well-organized and present all the necessary information.

    Hooray for shameless self-promotion