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Character Building Event: Factions

  • September 8, 2015

    Either way I won't be able to get both finished... I think I'll save the Mythic Dawn/Order of the Dragon until later on, the Allesian Order is much more fitting for the Event. 

  • September 8, 2015

    Alright, I'll take down the Mythic Dawn/Order of the Dragon.

  • Member
    September 8, 2015

    How's everyone's builds coming along?

  • September 8, 2015

    I´m actually nearly finishing my Hlaalu, it went much faster than I thought, because I wasn´t tied by quests much.

    As for the End of Times Cult, me and Kael are still at the beginning of the build, but we have pretty clear picture of how it will go.

    And you, Chris? I´m quite interested in your East Empire Company. Two "merchants" builds in one Event will be great. I can´t wait to see your take on a merchant. If you´re doing merchant type character of course.

  • Member
    September 8, 2015

    Well my companion is level 20, I am almoust done, only two problems are left, first would Nord wear daedric helmet? Secound how do you describe roleplaying Nord?

  • Member
    September 8, 2015

    What is the End of Times Cult anyway?

    Its basically an adventuring merchant. He goes out with some hirelings, a buckler, and a good sword. He does good deeds by protecting trade routes and gaining merchandise by slaying bandits and the like. He'll stay in either one of the numerous ships docked in Cyrodill, or in an upper middle class home. He will basically stop the Main Quest, after giving the Amulet to Jauffre, thinking "Some hero will come along and save us, they always do." But as time goes on, and he hears no word of a champion rescuing Martin Septim, he, at first begrugingly, becomes a would-be hero.

  • September 8, 2015

    This sounds great and it is quite different from my Hlaalu which is good too!  So it is more like a...caravan guard who has an interest in the profit, right?

    And End of Times Cult? Well, just some fanatics who are encountered in Mournhold in Tribunal.

    Our beliefs are very simple, dear friend. The blessed Tribunal, though once filled with glory, are no longer the gods they once were. As with the tides and Tamriel's moons, all cosmic powers will wax and wane. But, when gods die, it creates ripples throughout the lands. The passing of the Three will be a prelude to the end of this era, and the beginning of the next. The followers of the End of Times are making ourselves ready for this to happen.

    We realize that the end of the era will bring many changes. We believe that the gates of Oblivion will open, and the multitude of daedra will roam this world freely. Some might tell you that this is a good thing, that we are descended from the daedra and it will be a return to the natural order of things. I know differently, though. The coming age will be a time of great horror.

    The Daedra Princes are not our ancestors. Nor are they our allies. They will wash over the land, destroying all that man and mer have built over these thousands of years. The only protection from this scourge will be our true ancestors that have gone before us and watch over us even now. Many of our followers choose to participate in the Cleansing, to prepare the way for the rest of us. It is a sacrifice to be sure, but it is for the greater good.

    It is a glorious ritual, friend %PCName. Our followers cleanse themselves of all of their troubles, all of their burdens here on this earth. They send themselves ahead to the ancestors, spreading our word, making ready for when we shall all join them in our fight against the daedric hordes.

  • September 8, 2015

    I can´t really see a Companion wearing Daedric Helmet. And describing roleplaying Nord? Well, call everyone "milk drinker", boast about your superior beard, be full of honor and crap like that.

    Nah, if you´re playing a Companion try to think what would - Farkas for example - do in situations you´re getting yourself into.

  • Member
    September 8, 2015

    Well I actually preffer Vilkas, as I am Lithuanian, and Vilkas means wolf in Lithuanian. Also thinking as his is not problem for me, I am like that in real life, problem is discribing it, but being full of honor was first thing I thoght about. 

  • September 8, 2015

    Companions are all about glory and fame. Plus some money. So try to describe it that way. Don´t do something if there isn´t a glory in that. Don´t shun away from good fight. Something like that.