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Field Test: Naked and Afraid

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  • December 8, 2014

    Very well done Alastor! So far everyone has used magic. I'd like to see someone complete this challenge using good ol' fashioned steel(without magic).

  • December 10, 2014

    Very nice work Alastor! Your time as tricks and tips host severed you very well. 

    Running pure mage was something I wouldn't have expected, but the way you achieved unlimited concentration casting and high magic resistance/ absorption so quickly would have given you a huge advantage. While everyone else seems to have gone with a direct approach, you took lots of detours early on which seems to have worked well for you.

    The event now has a week left but we've only had three entries. Even if you aren't interested in the hosting position, take part and post your method and time! 

  • Member
    December 10, 2014
    Thanks Twisted. I'd never played Legendary and wasn't sure how a pure Mage would handle but I do love a challenge lol. By the time I finished my detours and leveling I was an hour and a half behind! I don't know how I managed to catch up to the other guys. Probably the first fight with Alduin because I didn't have to hide and snipe him. With my perks in Alteration, my Mage was able to withstand three dragon breath attacks before needin to heal. Definitely gained time back there. This was probably one of my favorite playthroughs ever. I felt like a real Mage and completely underpowered. Even the OP, infinite Flames spell wasn't enough, especially against fire resistant dragons. I had to be very tricky and magic my way out of most fights. It was fun though!
  • Member
    December 16, 2014

    Final Time: 4 hours, 37 minutes, 20 seconds

    Difficulty: Legendary, with a tiny bit of Master (see Difficult Sections)

    Strategy: The playthrough mostly consisted of me running from place to place as fast as I can in order to progress the main quest. Even during dungeons, I would run past as many enemies as I could. When it came to actually fighting opponents though, I had an ace up my sleeve: Marked for Death. All I needed was one word and it was fairly easy and time-efficient to acquire. After completing the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, I returned to Ustengrav and activated his coffin for a dragon soul. After that, I went to Autumnwatch Tower and visited the Word Wall there, then got out of there. With MfD, I could just repeatedly shout the one word I knew and let its AR-draining effect stack. After a few minutes of doing this, the enemy would be almost as fragile as I was. :P

    The other major card I had to play was Berserker Rage. Using it is practically like turning the difficulty down two notches, magical attacks aside. I also used the Bound Sword since it has the base damage of a Daedric Sword with Mystic Binding, but it didn't seem to noticeably boost my damage. Of course, that has a lot to do with the fact that I was playing on Legendary and with only 30ish One-Handed skill by endgame. For followers, I picked up Lydia, but the only time she ever proved useful was when she distracted Alduin during the first fight.

    On levelups, I would invest everything into health. Perkwise, I got Novice Conjuration, Mystic Binding, Novice Restoration, Regeneration, and Armsman (2/5).

    Nothing else I can really think of as far as major strategies go, although I discovered various little time saving tricks when it came to dealing with specific enemies during the playthrough. For example, you can avoid the Nahkriin fight by jumping into the portal before he picks up his staff.

    Difficult Sections: While I died here and there, only one section proved to be truly difficult: the Thalmor Embassy Interrogation Room. I had to free Etienne in order to trigger the Thalmor Soldiers walking in with Malborn, and then defeat them in order to get the Trapdoor Key. This proved to be deceptively difficult, to the point where I had to turn down the difficulty to Master just to get through this room, the only part during the entire playthrough where I had to do so.

    Conclusion: I've put countless hours into Skyrim, but this is the first time that I ever did a speedrun of it, and it was certainly an interesting experience. I'd also like to apologize for waiting until the last minute to do this; I wanted to finish making/updating some of my character builds first and I also had some IRL business to attend to. Now then, time to draft a PM. :D

  • December 16, 2014
    Albino, you're my competition now, does that mean you're no longer going to Host the Character Building or are you doing both.
  • Member
    December 16, 2014

    I plan on doing both.

  • December 16, 2014
    Well if you win, (just because you beat our times by an hour and did it on Legendary longer the me doesnt mean you will.) feel free to ask for help over here if you need it. Look at me already assuming you've got it in the bag.
  • December 16, 2014
    Hail the Order, Hail the Bens, Hail Mason and Hail the Blog. It's a shame we've all gone back now.
  • December 16, 2014
    Damn time zones I just realised I've got to wait about half a day until I hear the news. I'm three hours away from the 17th guys.
  • Member
    December 16, 2014

    6 AM here, I'll be waiting the better part of the day.