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Tamriel Vault Birthday Bard For The Day

  • Member
    April 2, 2016

    Here you go.  Kanji means "End". I'll put it in the Closing Notes paragraph of the build.

    Credit for the original picture goes to:

  • Member
    April 2, 2016

    Oh wow. That's really good.  Nothing says Thalmor-bait than a good song to stir up their anger.

  • Member
    April 2, 2016

    Here's a poem commemorating one of my first experiences with Skyrim's beautiful weirdness:

  • Member
    April 2, 2016

    Kinda find it hard to believe one can write such a great haiku while high on skooma.

  • Member
    April 2, 2016

    Thanks, AR, but I'm certain you won't feel the same way once I finish putting together the limerick for Kael's and my Crossworlds 2.0 event build, The Small One (based on Yoda)... it's hard to take anyone seriously as a poet when they write limericks xD

  • Member
    April 2, 2016

    And here's a limerick for Kael's Crossworlds 2.0 event build, The Small One (based on Yoda :D)

  • Member
    April 2, 2016

    Small, this Argonian is...

  • Member
    April 2, 2016
  • Member
    April 2, 2016

    Reminds me of Neesha...

    (Long way off so don't ask)

  • Member
    April 2, 2016

    The EC pack one and fourteen,

    Some been here longer than others

    You know who I mean.


    But who they you say?

    Fear not I answer,


    First there’s Paul,

    Our lord and Master.

    He created this on his own,

    Created the blog, our home.


    Second there’s Todd,

    Overlord of all.

    You know who I mean,

    He works alongside Paul.


    Third is Edana,

    It’s as simple as that.

    How we worship our queen,

    Has an affinity for hats.


    Fourth we have Curse…

    Never dying…

    Makes wonderful art,

    Loves to do drawing.


    Fifth stands Albino,

    Trick or treat?

    Tips for your games,

    Workshop can’t be beat.


    Sixth we see Karver,

    Gro Kaves the Orc.

    Tell him Oblivions crummy,

    Hear him squawk.


    Seventh There’s Tae-Rai,

    Sister of the Marsh.

    Don’t get on her bad side,

    Her tongue’s rather harsh.


    Eighth is Phil,

    Master of Lore.

    Tell him Hermaeus Mora’s a squid,

    He’ll quickly show you the door.


    Ninth we have Teecam,

    Full of Tips and tricks.

    Makes builds as well,

    Numbers six and six.


    Tenth we have Golden Fool,

    Not foolish but smarty.

    He’s a host of a great group,

    For those who are arty.


    Eleventh stands Elysium,

    Who I once nearly killed.

    Nearly drove her mad,

    When she helped with my build.


    Twelfth we find Mr. Edd,

    He keeps our discussions afloat.

    If you play up in the forum’s,

    He’ll ask that you don’t.


    Thirteenth we have Lissette,

    Her story’s Straag Rod.

    A host in Tamriel Tales,

    She agrees with a nod.


    Fourteenth we have Sotek,

    That's me! That's who...

    Werewolf to all,

    Always starts with Awwwooo


    Fifteenth an Owl,

    Legion’s his name.

    He’s host to a group,

    Role Playing, his game.


    Finally there’s Tamriel Vault,

    A tough old trog…

    Always be known to some,

    As the Skyrim Blog!!!

    'Borrowed' the picture from  Ponty who posted it on the blog on October 25, 2011.

    I over done it on coffee so there is no way I can be blamed for this. Strange things happen when a werewolf is kept locked up too long, so there…………..

    None of this is my fault.

    Sotek Loyal Hound Of Hircine, (Possible ex Host of Tamriel Tales depending on other Host’s reactions)