Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Nightblood Rogue

Tags: #Character Build Rogue  #Character Build Elementalist  #Character Build Nightblade  #Rank:Recognized  #Race:Altmer  #0 AR  #sneak  #Enchanting  #Blood Mage  #Equilibrium  #Pickpocket 
  • Member
    May 1, 2014
    There are a couple of issues with your first special move. Firstly, you cannot cast spells while ethereal, and doing so breaks the effect. And secondly, for some odd reason Ethereal Spirit doesn't actually increase health regen, so you should probably go for one of the other meditations. There's a discussion on that somewhere if you need evidence, just check out Phil's Imperial Paradigm.
  • May 1, 2014

    Hm. I hadn't actually noticed that. Probably because I was furiously backpedaling out of melee range at the time so I couldn't get hit.

    As for Ethereal Spirit, I'm just going off of what the Elder Scrolls Wiki says on the subject. But with all the Fortify Healing Rate enchantments you've got on your armor, it's hard to tell if there's a further 25% improvement while ethereal because you're already regenerating so fast, plus you're in the middle of combat too. But I'll change the first special move to correct.

  • May 1, 2014

    Yeah, I guess all the RP stuff right at the beginning might be a bit much. But I thought the backstory deserved to be explained, especially since Equilibrium is such a rare spell. It begs the question of "how did I get here?" in terms of the character. What would you suggest I cut out?

  • May 1, 2014

    Righto. I condensed some of the RP elements and used more concise wording on the descriptions. I left the Gameplay section the same length to better detail my train of thought. Thanks for the tip!

  • Member
    May 5, 2014
    Man, another dragon age inspired build and a great one as will.
  • May 5, 2014

    I agree with Ben, you should give this a nice squeeze CF. Keep hugging and nipping at the text until all that's left is the sparkly bits...

    Ring of Namira is a great choice and no you really can't enchant a better version of it in terms of health regen, not without some significant grinding anyway.  It actually fits very well with a stealth character. Not sure if you noticed but you can 'fast feed' if you're in stealth mode when you munch on a corpse, even if you're in combat you can duck down and feed quickly for the health bonus...

    You should work on the images as well. Individually they're cool but put together they're not working right. Maybe push for a smaller set of images that are more visually similar and compliment your character...

  • May 5, 2014

    It's actually kinda awkward that this build's suddenly attracted attention again, because I was actually going to make some substantial build revisions soon. 

    So, thanks for the comments, but as of right now there's a lot of stuff in here that could be subject to change...

  • Member
    May 6, 2014

    Liked it for your attempt, but as mentioned in our conversation on my hemomancer build, here are some things i think you could change. Note that i won't be touching on stuff like formatting or what not... that is secondary to me. As most peeps here know, I am a true believer and fan in build mechanics. The thing about skyrim is it lets you define such mechanics freely. Now, on to my opinion / feedback on where we can work:

    Build Mechanics

    From what i read, you want to mix blood magic with stealth and possibly melee? Good on you! However, some things to consider:

    • Blood Magic (Dual-Casted Equilibrium+Become Ethereal+Force Without Effort
    • You need to take meditation word Fiem or Fade for this to work. Force without effort causes more stagger, not health regen. That said, good on you for using this... in combination with RoN, you're practically gonna super regen i suppose.

    • The Storm Specter Sucker-Punch (Dual-Casted Lightning Cloak+Shadow Warrior+Chain Lightning+Unarmed)
    • Don't quite understand the concept behind this one. You wanna be in mid range to damage with lightning cloack and throw a dual casted chain lightning that will potentially expose you? Or do you want to be exposed, since you picked unarmed? Wouldn't it be better if it was something like this?

    • Storm Specter Sucker punch: Lightning Rune + Staff of Chain Lightning + Invisibility
    • This way, you can have more mobility and control over the battle field when engaging enemies.Sort of like hensons phase shifting. Chain of Staff lightning also staggers, with less magicka cost and staggering is still in place. Also helps level enchanting. Win-Win.


    • If i am not wrong, there is a bug discovered (i think by Ben C), where any concentration spells cast towards the end of Secret of Aracana, will sustain in effect. Might not need to combine this move with highborn, save it for something else i suppose. Also, once again, you're exposing yourself when casting master level spells (not sure if sneak still allows you to remain hidden when casting this one). Who's takign the heat of you? Follower?

    I gotta go for now, but will continue with the rest after analyzing your build thoroughly. Nice job so far.

  • May 6, 2014

    Blood Magic: That's what I assumed too, until I did some research. There was a discussion on the Imperial Paradigm build where they did some experiments and showed that Ethereal Spirit is glitched. It doesn't actually provide more regeneration. On the other hand, Force Without Effort is apparently glitched in the opposite direction: it does extra stagger and provides Ethereal Spirit's health regen boost. Weird, but from what I could see the numbers proved it.

    The Storm Specter Sucker-Punch: What I may not have made totally clear from this section is that a) this particular move is just one I found fun in a "mess with the last Draugr standing" sense b) the RP gives the Nightblood some skill in Unarmed. I never used this move or Unarmed in actual serious situations. It's just fun. That said, Your revisions do make a lot of sense, but the only Rune I found myself using a whole lot was Poison Rune.

    UNLIMITED POWAAAAAHHHH: I might revise this one later as per your suggestions. Either that or remove it entirely. But It's something I'd always wanted to do in Skyrim. Incidentally, the first time i used Lightning Storm I actually yelled that.

  • Member
    May 6, 2014
    I would suggest enlarging the first 3 paragraphs words , they were very hard to read and put way to much strain on my eyes.