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The History of the Elder Scrolls

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    I've always loved RPGs but thanks to games like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale rather than the Bethesda contributions.  As I noted, more often than not, my computer wouldn't even run the darn game so the game sat on the shelf for years sometimes (3 years for Daggerfall if I remember correctly) before I could even attempt to play it.  And most times I was severely disappointed (Daggerfall I never got out of the first dungeon and Morrowind I made it to the second town (Balmora I think).  Oblivion was ok...but got old after the second or third gate (to me).  Skyrim is the first to really hold my attention through multiple plays.

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    I think it was the art style and setting/geography, really. Oblivion felt really off, and all of the trees and hills looked pretty bad imo (where I'm from all there are are hills and trees, as far as nature goes. Not really fair to compare a game world to real life, but it doesn't look like they tried hard on the tree placement at all. And they didn't, because the article says the wilderness was randomly generated).

    Skyrim on the other hand handled character models and the geography way better. Forests seem more like forests, and I constantly stop and look up at the settings around me: the mountains in the distance, the "northern lights", etc.

    I did like the interface and gameplay better in Skyrim than Oblivion, though.

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    The overall setting of Oblivion was just kind of "Meh" to me, Skyrim had an epic feeling with its towering mountains that Oblivion just didn't have, Cyrodiil was just one massive flower garden whereas Skyrim was full of mountainous crags and desolate plains. It just had the whole "epic fantasy" thing going on, which appealed to me a lot.

    And when people say that Skyrim had "too much grey" it really annoys me, what colour do you expect a mountain to be? Purple? 

    I digress. I agree with Steezy on this one.

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    I don't have a gaming PC, but with you, Karver, and Overhate always talking about Baldur's Gate and company, I just might have to build one instead of getting the PS5 or LunchBox Two.

  • January 3, 2016

    Well, it´s kinda funny actually. I am a PC gamer and I´ve been that for all my life. I remember playing games like Prehistoric on DOS and other similar games, yet if somone asked me what game had the most influence on me, I would say Baldur´s Gate or Planescape:Torment. Those were RPG games that shaped my tastes and that´s probably because I was a PC gamer.

    Consoles were never really popular in my country, so I have absolutely no idea what games were important for consolers. Was there even that influential game on PS1? Final Fantasy? Crash Bandicoot?  Just kidding. But I really have no idea.

  • January 3, 2016

    True. Fallout 4 left a bad taste in my mouth in terms of Bethesda games. I really hope TES6 actually will be an improvement. And not just that leap that happens between every TES, but actually improvement. Do something about the story you told, Bethesda. Do something about characters and questlines. Make interesting guilds, bring us some choices. 

    I wish...

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    I've always been a PC gamer for RPGs.  I had consoles from Intellivision all the way to Sega Dreamcast and Genesis (stopped with the SNES and XBox).  But used those mainly for sports (Madden) and shooters.  Always felt RPGs were better suited for PC.

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    Funny, I'm the exact opposite of you guys  I think on the back of the TES IV box there was a review quote along the lines of "the most realistic forests ever created" At the time that was true - in 2006 there was nothing else even close.

    It's almost unfair to compare the visuals of two games separated by 5 or so years. The colour pallet of Oblivion was very vibrant compared to Skyrim's earthier tones but I don't think one can be said to be better than the other.

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    I personally never had a PS1, but from my understanding, Playstation wasn't big until the PS2, which is considered one of the best consoles ever made (games like God of War and Shadow of Colossus started on PS2, and it also doubled as a Blue-Ray player).

    As a young gamer I played on the Nintendo 64 (still do sometimes) and Nintendo Gamecube. I guess Paper Mario (great game) was my first RPG, Super Smash Brothers was my first fighting game for sure, and Perfect Dark was my first shooter. Even though I went through a Call of Duty or gtfo stage when I got the Xbox 360, all I play now is mostly RPG's, fighting games, and sometimes FPS games.

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    I didn't play Oblivion until Skyrim was almost out. Even still, it was my first fantasy RPG.

    Personally, from what I've experienced of it (10 hours at the most), I prefer Morrowind's visuals to Oblivion's. True, Oblivion is more vibrant than Skyrim and Morrowind, but I think I like grittier and more realistic art styles compared to whatever you'd call Oblivion's.