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Character Building Event: Revival

  • March 6, 2015

    Yeah. Using restoration for both offensive and defensive means. It will be Oblivion build of course. Restoration Abuse. I think. At least until I´ll come up with some cool name.

  • March 6, 2015
    Personally I have to agree that Bound Armour should be accepted, it is fairly different from Flesh Spells because rather then magical completely in nature it is summoning and binding of souls (as far as I know) into a physical form. In theory they are similar in practise not so much. Regarding my own entry I would like to apply with two ideas that I've had. Throwing Weapons for Morrowind and to give it some love I'll go with Enchanting for Oblivion, well a very specific part that is in no way close to Skyrim's. I do hope that's enough if you want put it down for Enchanting. Trust me that idea will be very different from anything that can be done in Skyrim.
  • March 6, 2015

    True, Bound armor is something different. As I remember, in Oblivion you can have Light or Heavy armor right? It depends on which sklil is higher. But I´ll still go with Restoration. There should be a Vampire build here :)

    But you are right about the Enchanting. It is something completely different in Oblivion. Plus you have to mention Spellmaking. Something totally different to. Would like to see build centered about these two mechanics.

  • March 6, 2015
    The end effects of enchanting are similar. An enchanting based build will need to be using effects impossible to create in Skyrim. I'll accept your throwing knife build straight off the bat, and I'll put Karvers under stat absorb
  • March 6, 2015
    Oh that's rather amusing. Enchanting in Slyrim and Oblivion (regardless of the style) are nowhere near alike, granted there are effects that carry over but they are completely different. If you deny it then consider me taking up Spellmaking then, actually I may do something with both Enchanting and Spellmaking, in one build of course.
  • March 6, 2015

    I'll participate. Sort of a sequal to Archcanon, mine will be for maximizing Acrobatics in Morrowind.

  • March 6, 2015

    I was expecting when someone will come up with that one. Jumpimg across whole Morrowind? :D

  • March 6, 2015
    I'm not going to deny they're different systems, but if you were to use Enchanting to create effects replicable in Skyrim, in which case I would have had to say no. If you want to make a spell making build, that's fine, but remember that has to be the centre piece of the build. Shall I put you down for Spellmaking?
  • March 6, 2015
    Alright, approved.
  • March 6, 2015
    I will go for Spellmaking I guess. But how do the rules apply to this, am I not allowed to use any effects that are used in Skyrim, that seems to be the case based on what you've said so far.

    Regardless I will do Spellmaking for Oblivion and Throwing Weapons for Morrowind Edit: My apologies by the way for being slightly rude here Prisoner, I forgot this is your first big move as the Classics group and I should be more supportive, my previous comment especially was fairly rude. If you would like I'll send you my idea for the Enchanting Build, I don't want to make it public and forgot I had that option.