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Cool Menu Tips

  • Member
    March 20, 2015

    Whaddup yo!? Trickmaster in the house! I've been playing my latest and greatest build recently and have developed a couple helpful tricks for managing those hefty Favorites Menus. Pure mages, fear no longer..or at least have less fear. This is mostly geared toward console players with our limited hotkeys and lame vanilla quick menu. Regardless, enjoy!

    1) How to Hotkey Items on PS3 & 360

    Apparently I should cover the basics as well! To hotkey items on console open your favorites menu. Choose whichever item you want to hotkey and hold left or right on the d-pad to designate that item to that hotkey. We only get two so choose wisely! You can reassign your hotkeys at anytime.

    2) The Fast Scroll

    That's right fellow console players, you can actual scroll through any menu with lightning speed with a little tricky help. 

    Start by entering the menu of your choosing, of course. Next, hold down your left joystick to cycle through your menu as you normally would. Then with your other thumb (What?! Two thumbs?!) tap down on the directional pad repeatedly. You don't have to mash it excessively fyi. But you'll be scrolling like a PC player in no time! Hooray!

    3) Invisible Hotkeys

    Invisi-whaaat?! Don't let the title distract you. Start by selecting two hotkeys from your favorites menu..cuz two is all we get *ahem*. Then go back to those items in their respective menus (i.e. if you favorited two weapons, go back to the weapons menu) and unfavorite them. You will still have those two items hotkeyed but they won't be taking up space in your favorites menu. Yay!

    4) The Joy of Having a Personal Butler

    Not much of a trick but I have found great use in the Secret Servant Lesser Power from the Dragonborn DLC. There are certain items that aren't "favorite" worthy yet you still have to dive into your other, bulkier menus to retrieve them. For me, these things include various potions, scrolls, weapons that need recharged, etc, etc. The tip here is to unclutter your inventory so that you can access these items with ease. Give EVERYTHING but the essentials to your butler. Seriously, why are you carrying around an Ebony Shield, Dawnbreaker, and three dragon priest masks; you're a pure mage with flesh spells for crying out loud!

    I'm extremely guilty of this and often pick up rare/expensive items and begin hoarding them like the apocalypse is due. Don't know why. Anymore I just hand em off to my butler who disapparates with my great/useless hoard of dragon bones and such, making my menu searches much more streamlined.

    5) Hotkey Tricks for Console

    I. There are a few things that you need to know in order to use hotkeys efficiently on console. A hot keyed weapon will always be equipped to the right hand. Pressing the button again will unequip that weapon if it's already equipped.

    II. A hotkeyed shield, torch, or spell will always be equipped in the offhand. If a shield or torch is already equipped, tapping that hotkey will unequip that shield/torch. However, if a hotkeyed spell is already equipped and you tap that same hotkey it will equip the same spell in your right hand. This is great for dual casting.

    III. Two-handed weapons and bows can be used in a unique way that can help economize your hotkeys. They work just like every other weapon, when their designated hotkey is tapped, the player equips that 2-H weapon or bow. When it is tapped again, the weapon is unequipped and the player equips whatever they had in their hands before the hotkeyed bow/2-H weapon. For example, you've got a Fear spell in your right hand and a shield in your left hand. You activate your hotkey and equip your super cool Auriel's Bow. Tap that hotkey again and Poof! your shield and Fear spell are back.

    IV. Dual-wielding is where it gets weird. You can hotkey two of the same 1-H weapon, tap that hotkey twice and equip one of that weapon to each hand. Tapping the hotkey again will remove one of them (the main hand I believe). Sometimes this doesn't work though because two steel swords (for example) will register as the same hotkey and sometimes they will be considered different items once the hotkey is activated. This is the only setback for console hotkeys and the only time they are unreliable. Avoid this scenario if you can!

    6) Efficient Enchanters

    Enchanting allows the player the opportunity to name their own items. It's a very fun and thoughtful process but it can also be used to efficiently manage your Quick Menu. Everyone's 'Favorite's List' is organized alphabetically. We can use this to our advantage by naming our items that are used in combination with the same starting letter. If you favor multiple swords and shields, name them in combinations; for example, Aegis and Agony or Guardna and Guillotine. Get creative!

    Short and sweet, this one. If anybody has any other tips they'd like to add just drop a comment. Hope this helps your "Quick Menu" grief. Don't mind the plug, just pullin' a Noodles.

  • Member
    March 20, 2015

    I've spent all my time playing Skyrim on the PS3 and I never knew that there were hotkeys for it (even if it's only the 2)

  • Member
    March 20, 2015

    Do you know how to assign hotkeys? Or should I add it to the post?

  • Member
    March 20, 2015

    I looked it up after reading this, but it might be a good idea.

  • Member
    March 20, 2015

    Done and done! Good call. I also added some hotkey tricks you should check out.

  • Member
    March 20, 2015

    With the invisible hotkeys trick you wouldn't even have to scroll through those two! I think you've actually mentioned that trick yourself.

    The wizard I'm running has at least 20 favorited items!!! I'm getting good with that fast scroll. 

  • Member
    March 20, 2015
    It's surprising how many people don't know any of them. And some probably don't even use hotkeys! Travesty. Got any others?
  • Member
    March 20, 2015
    Yeah, good one! I do that when I enchant too. I'll add it in when I get the chance.
  • March 20, 2015
    .... some people play without hot keys? Sweet Jesus Almighty, someone needs to save them. The first mod I install when I start a new installation of Skyrim is always the more hotkeys mod. I'm just flabbergasted. How in the name of all that is sacred does anyone play a mage without hotkeys??!?! #wizardy indeed.
  • Member
    March 20, 2015
    Man, am I glad this was made. I had no idea that consoles could have hotkeys. This really could've saved so much time going through Favorites as a mage, wish I had known this earlier...