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The Elusive Thalmor Hood (Armour Stacking)

  • Member
    July 1, 2014

    I found this out yesterday while playing on Xbox, so I guess this is Xbox confirmed. Many of you will have heard of the armour stacking glitch involving a jail, container and lock pick (for I cannot do the werewolf method to save my life); if you have, skip the next paragraph. I may have found a way to possibly wear unique hoods that are only usable with hooded robes.

    To do this, you must have the apparel pieces you want, and they must be unique (i.e. you can't wear two iron chestplates, but you can if both are enchanted (differently?)). Find a container near the exit of a jail's escape route (I'll use the Dragonreach Dungeon as an example) and equip one set of apparel (i.e. chest, head, boots, etc.) and store the rest in the container. Get arrested, and break out of jail. De-equip the ragged robes (for convenience)  and equip another set from the container. Get arrested again (which removes what you're wearing), and rinse and repeat until the container is empty. When you serve your time, all of the armour you had confiscated will be equipped. Instead of a container, a follower told to wait can work.

    What I found is that if you equip a hooded robe the first time, then the second time equip a chest piece without a helmet, the armour will be present and replace the chest piece of the robes, leaving the hood. I have confirmed this works with iron armour and the Thalmor hooded robes. Sorry I don't have any screenshots, will get some up soon.

    [EDIT: Reloading saves seems to mess this up slightly, but both items will stay equipped and when you reload a new save the armour will be visible over the robes again. This problem repeats for each time you reload a save.]

  • Member
    July 2, 2014
    I was wondering how that worked and that's actually pretty neat! Another cool combo to try would be Dragon Priest masks and Hooded Black Robes. I know the Werewolf Chat method can be glitchy with which clothing is actually worn on the exterior. Speaking of the werewolf chat glitch, it can be easily performed if you have the Secret Servant Dremora from one of the Black Books (Bengongerike). Just activate wolf form and before you transform activate your Dremora Butler. He will interact with you while you continue to tranform. Don't choose he dialogue option until you are a werewolf. Once you interact with him, you can equip any armor you want through your menu or his :D
  • Member
    July 2, 2014
    Interesting, I used the Werewolf glitch, Xbox player first, and I just got it for OC, and was able to get the Dawnguard Heavy Helmet, inside the Tenple Hood.