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Archery Theoretical Damage Calculations

  • May 16, 2013

    Ok, so after some fiddling with console commands - and Crybon asking, I finally figured it out.

    For bows:

    Rest time: 0.66 seconds
    Nock time: 0.8 seconds

    Total time: 1.46 seconds (~1.45)

    For crossbows:

    No rest or nock time, it's all draw speed - a theoretically semi-automatic weapon can be achieved (although it bugs a bit - but it's really fun!).

    Draw speed: 2.7 seconds

    If 1legassassin doesn't update this post with the new information before weekends end then I will.

  • Member
    June 25, 2013

    HUGE UPDATE- clearer ranking system for all (I think) unique bows-those with unique damage statistics-, using new values for draw and rest speed, enchantment damage has been corrected