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Food in Skyrim

  • Member
    August 19, 2012

    This is my first post for the Skyrim Tips and Tricks group and hopefully this can help some people who didn't knew about this yet.

    Food is a underrated item which is not used much. But some of the food in Skyrim can give decent buffs and can save your life many times on higher difficulties early game. You can find or buy food really easy and alot of the items don't cost much and so they are good choice to buy instead of potions. Also since cooking is not a skill, you can save perks which you else would have put into Alchemy. Ofcourse the alchemy skill is much better later on but, early game food can be much cheaper and easy to find.

    I will explain some of food which I found very usefull:

    - Beef stew

    Ingredients: Raw beef,carrot,salt pile and garlic

    Effect: Stamina is increased by 25 points for 12 minutes.
    Restore 2 points of stamina for 12 minutes.

    This is a very good choice for a warrior type character since your stamina will be increased for 12 minutes and all the ingredients are easy and cheap to get. The best part of this beef stew is the fact that it regenerates 2 points of stamina per second for 12 minutes. This will alow you to almost power attack non-stop which can be very
    usefull against multiple enemies and bosses.

    -Elsweyr fondue

    Ingredients: Ale,eidar cheese wheel and moon sugar

    Effect: Magicka regenerates 25% faster for 12 minutes.
    Magicka is increased by 100 for 12 minutes.

    My favoriet type of food in the game. The 25% magika regenerating is very good early game and the 100 extra magika really helps you out. The ingredients are more expensive since moon sugar is needed for the recipe but, overall it's worth the cost.

    - Horker Stew

    Ingredients: Lavander,tomato,garlic and horker meat

    Effect: Restore stamina for 15 points. Restore health for 15 points. Restore health 1 point for 12 minutes.

    Also a great food that is best used when in combat, not so good as the others but if you got the ingredients a good choice to make.

    - Vegetable Soup

    Ingredients: cabbage,potato,leek and tomato.

    Effect: Restore 1 points of Health per second for 12 minutes. Restore 1 points of Stamina per second for 12 minutes.

    A very usefull food which I use alot for melee/archery type characters. It's easy to get and very cheap.

    - Venison Stew

    Ingredients: Venison,salt pile,potato and leek

    Effect: Restore 15 Stamina.Restore 1 point of Stamina for 12 minutes.Restore 1 point of Health for 12 minutes.

    Same as the Vegetable Soup but can be best used in combat.

    - Sleeping tree sap ( thanks to Dieter for pointing it out)

    Effect: health is increased for 100 points for 45 seconds and slows the user for 45 seconds.

    Items needed to extract the sap: Spigot ( you can find it at random locations around Skyrim)

    This is a very usefull liquid that can help you out in though situations as it increases your health. it has a unique effect which makes your screen purple for 45 seconds as it is a drug. You can find the tree at the Sleep tree camp, south-east of Rorikstead.

    Hopefully this can help some new players and some who didn't knew about it at first. And let me know if you liked it 

  • August 19, 2012

    Very good post! I hope you add more to it!

  • Member
    August 19, 2012

    You know, my problem with Elsweyr stew isn't the moon suger, but the cheese. I never pick up cheese when I find it, and ale is something I tend to leave as well. Everytime I want to cook it I realize I'm lacking either one of those 2 ingredients.

    Might I also add something? The sleeping tree sap slows you down a bit, but also fortify's health for 45 seconds, and you can get an endless amount of it from the sleeping tree. Or atleast, a bottle every now and then. It's very usefull when you suddenly see a group of enemies, and you suspect you might need a bit more health to take them down.

  • Member
    August 19, 2012

    Thanks for the feedback. I will try to add more later on.


    I will look into The sleeping tree sap, never knew about it since im still very new to the game but, as you say it's good for though situations.

  • Member
  • Member
    August 19, 2012

    Wow, that's a big boost indeed, I will try it out in-game and see how to obtain it and how much each time. thanks for the info =D