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Character Building Event: Factions

  • August 28, 2015

    Greetings all,

    As the last Classics Event was so successful, we figured we'd run a third. If you've visited the Skyrim CB (or this group, for that matter) in the last year, you are probably familiar with the concept of Character Building Events, where builders are given a theme to work with and then make builds from it. Our version of course, centers around the older games (that is, Oblivion-Arena).

    This time, we're nabbing a theme from Skyrim CB - Factions. The rules are similar to the Skyrim Event, and just as simple. You must base your build around a faction that is canon in Elder Scrolls lore and not joinable in the particular game you are making the build for. This means that you could make a Morag Tong build in Oblivion, but not in Morrowind, as it is joinable in Morrowind but not in Oblivion. Of course, factions don't have to actually be in any of the games, such as the Order of Diagna, as long as it is canon. That's it, really. I'm looking forward to seeing your builds (pretty please?).

    All builds must be posted between the 1st of October and the 7th.  If you want to participate, leave a comment below that you're in and saying what faction you're going to do. If you would like to keep it a secret, PM me or Karver. Be sure to post any builds for the Event with the title Event Build: ___ and the tag, "Event:CFactions".

    This event has closed as of the 8. 10. 2015!

    Current Participants:

    Sapiarch Council (Karver and Kael´than) - End of Times Cult (Oblivion) Thorn of the End Times

    Karver - Great House Hlaalu (Oblivion) - The Hlaalu Noble

    Ponty - Thalmor (Oblivion) - The Thalmor

    Tae-Rai - Shadowscales (Oblivion)

    Golden Fool - Crimson Scars (Oblivion) - Crimson Scar

    Paul-lius - Companions (Morrowind) The Companion

    Chris Diokno - East Empire Company (Oblivion) The East Empire Trading Company

    Ctfgaming - Nightingales (Oblivion)

  • August 28, 2015

    I´ll go for End of Times Cult - Oblivion

  • August 28, 2015

    How shameless, not only taking an Event but also part of the description straight from Skyrim CB Shame... But I will give you the benefit for your amazing sarcasm, taken a note from the  mighty Dragonborn with a comment like that. Classics Event being successful. 

    Conveniently I just re-installed Oblivion hoping to give it another spin, redone my mods (Mostly Graphics) so I might make a build for this contest. 

    As a question. Would doing the Mythic Dawn Build work within the rules? Or perhaps a tiny faction, like Knights of the Dragon. You can kind of join them but it's barely even a Faction (I mean the confirmed Knights of the Dragon are kinda just the PC)

    If possible I'd like to work the Knights of the Dragon/Mythic Dawn (I don't know which...maybe both in one) if not then sign me up for the Allessian Order please.

  • August 28, 2015

    I actually was considering Mythic Dawn too. It is true that in game you´re added into their faction during a certain quest, but they still are your enemies. Honestly, I would love to see Mythic Dawn build in Oblivion. You have my yes.

    As for the Knights of the Dragon...It gives you only the title Champion of Cyrodiil and nothing else, no other benefits, no faction followers, no quests. Same as Mythic Dawn. This one has my yes too.

    So what faction should I write then?

  • August 28, 2015

    Oh man. Hmm. write Mythic Dawn/Knights of the Dragon (Both for one build) I have a pretty solid plan now for it. Dammit, sign me up for the Allessian Order as well, I should be able to pump them out in time (especially with the first one only really playing the Main Quest). 

  • August 28, 2015

    Two builds? Awesome!

    You´re in.

  • August 28, 2015

    Wait a second. Do you mean Order of the Dragon? The imperial one? Or Knigths of the Dragon from High Rock? I guess you meant Order of the Dragon. That´s  Imperial faction.

  • August 28, 2015

    The Imperial Faction yeah. Sorry for the confusion, didn't notice the differene. 

  • August 28, 2015

    Knigths of the Dragon appeared in Daggerfall, but I think they are in ESO too.

  • Member
    August 28, 2015
    I'll nab the Shadiwscales, Oblivion :)