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Purchasing outside of Skyrim...

    • 577 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:08 AM EDT

    I was thinking the other day and was curious about how many games would you say on average you purchase a year? Do you buy alot games, say 2-3 a month? or just mainly the big titles, so around 4-5 a year? Was Skyrim you last game you purchased? and if so, why?

    I know there's some youngins on here and may not have the income to buy games freely. You'd just have save up your allowence or hope you have a birthday 6 months away from X-mas in order to split up the "game gifts" lol Or are your parents gamers also and split time between them? (I have a friend that actually will buy two of the same game so he doesn't have to deal with sharing with his kid!! LOL That's a cool dad, huh?)

    Some of you may just be saving money and milking the hell out of Skyrim and don't need to play anything else or resort back to games you already own to break away from Skyrim.

    Maybe some of you have jacked up credit cards with buying games? lol

    Do you put a little friendly 5-10 coins a paycheck in order to get a new game every 2 months?

    • 426 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:13 AM EDT

    I tend to only buy games when I have the cash. New or preowned I don't mind. I haven't bought a game since Skyrim came out nothing has peaked my interest enough to trade in or buy.

    • 342 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:13 AM EDT

    I'd say 4-5 games a year on average, it use to be more but the games were getting crap and I found reading 5-6 books for the same price just as entertaining.
    nowadays I only buy games that look really really interesting or are sequels to games I already have (uncharted batman assassin's creed etc)

    and since these are usually collector's edition versions I have to save up a lot for them so that also factors into how many a year i get.

    • 342 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:17 AM EDT

    hehe only game I've brought since Skyrim was NCIS the game, I had been waiting 7 years for them to bring out a game for that show, thought it was gonna be as good as the CSI ones....I was sorely disappointed :(.

    • 577 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:17 AM EDT

    Well you know what game that just came out that would definatly have your intrest...bigtime. *my avatar....

    • 577 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:18 AM EDT


    • 708 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:32 AM EDT

    Usually 4-6 games a year for me, but last few years I've been a heavy F2P player, but for some reason every free MMO I pick up nowadays I'm bored of in a few hours :/

    I usually get a game or two every term break and then play it to death. I'm already up to 408 hours of Skyrim!

    The only game I've bought since is ME3 and I've played a decent amount of SP and MP (about 2/3 way second playthrough, roughly 160 N7 rating for MP)

    • 577 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:42 AM EDT

    That's a pretty decent number on the ME3 MP. I believe I'm around 45-50. I've been playing with William LaForce (member on here). He plays a buttload of MP, so when I see he's on, I'll chime in a couple rounds with him. Enjoy playing with someone instead of 'random' people....He's an insane player btw. Obsessive about the stats. LOL!

    • 773 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:43 AM EDT

    Usually about 3-4 games per year

    Lets see, last year I bought

    • The Witcher 2
    • Two Worlds 2 (that was a big mistake )
    • Anno 1404 (found it in a bargain bin)
    • Skyrim

    So, yeah, The Witcher 2 saw me through the first chunk of the year. TW2 I bought and sold within a few weeks. Bought it to 'put me on' for Skyrim, but it didn't. Anno 1404 ended up plugging the gap, along with my trusty Morrowind disk. 

    The only game I bought since Skyrim has been Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (must get around to writing that review). I'll probably only buy one or two more games later in the year, depending on what comes out.

    • 133 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:45 AM EDT

    I buy more than 10 games a year, every year, but it's just a waste of money. Most of them I've played for only a few hours before I get bored and put it on the shelf. Last year I bought for PS3 mass effec 2 (played), red dead redemption (not finished) red dead nightmare (not started), two wolrds 2 (started never to be finished), dragon age 2 (played twice), la noir (not finished), cabella's dangerous hunts (not finished), borderlands (not started), white kgnight chronicles 2 (not started), fables (not started), and LOTR war in the north (not started). For PC i,ve bought fallout new vegas (played 6 times), civilizatio v (played a lot), and neverwintwer nights 2 storm of zehir.

    • 739 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:50 AM EDT

    I think its just worth renting alot of games...

    Games like the assassins creed series, force unleashed, new batman games....

    They can all be completed in a matter of days and then they just sit on a shelf.

    I tend to only buy RPG's because i know that im going to replay them over and over, though finding a really decent one can take alot of rooting.

    • 577 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:53 AM EDT

    That's a pretty good resume, Ricardo. Got some lose ends to tie up! lol Multitasker of Games...

    • 577 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:57 AM EDT

    What do you mean 'put you on'? You mean 'hold you over' till Skyrim?

    Don't know what Anno 1404 is. Will look it up. Sounds like a galaxy game or driving game. lol

    And yes, Two Worlds was a disapointment. I purchased it myself thinking that it would 'warm me up' for Skyrim. Big mistake....Honestly, I just wanted an open world rpg and that game just didn't work at all.

    • 773 posts
    April 22, 2012 9:02 AM EDT

    Yeah 'put me on' is the English way to say 'hold me over' 

    I'm like you, I thought TW2 would be a big epic open world game that I could play whilst waiting for Skyrim. But it just didn't hang together at all. Very disappointing.

    Anno 1404 is one of those 'city building' type games. Lots of strategy and planning, set in a medieval world (Hence 1404...its the year its set in)

    Check out

    • 773 posts
    April 22, 2012 9:04 AM EDT

    Or trade them in.

    I traded The Witcher 2 for Two Worlds 2, the traded that for some DVD boxset

    I usually end up losing only about the same as it would cost for a rental, plus I'm not putting myself under pressure to finish within the short rental time span 

    • 426 posts
    April 22, 2012 9:08 AM EDT

    Yeah ive never really got into the whole rental market It wouldnt be healthy for me I would just end up getting hooked on completing game after game in the 3 day rental period lol I dont game as intensely as I used to so I dont mind if stuff sits on my shelf

    • 577 posts
    April 22, 2012 9:09 AM EDT

    Ahh...a renter. I should have put that in the discussion. Didn't think of it cause I don't rent. Nothing against it, just like to own games for some reason. Consider them kinda like trophies. lol (although will trade if it's absolutly a bad buy or not up expectations) but I've learn from mistakes and read reviews, but never gone the 'renting' route. I'm a gambla when it comes to that. lol

    Who would rent Skyrim? Can you imagine? Especially if it's rented from RedBox....coin a day. ha!

    • 342 posts
    April 22, 2012 9:10 AM EDT

    I had over 30 something games last year just sitting on my shelf that i knew i would never finish so i traded them to pay for skyrim batman etc totally worth it :D funnily enough the remainder of my games barring one or two are all rpgs...

    • 133 posts
    April 22, 2012 9:12 AM EDT

    I`m with you. Someday I will get nostalgic enough or bored enough to replay old games, or even to finish one of those I never got to complete. Meanwhile they are just waiting on my shelves - I don't have the habit of selling or trading used games.

  • April 22, 2012 9:14 AM EDT

    There are a good amount of games I want right now, I'd say I purchase a new game maybe once or twice every couple months?

    I have a pretty good amount of games though so actually it's probably less, I replay games a good bit.

    I have quite a list of games I want right now though... I definately have cash right now, I have a good amount from christmas and my birthday which are close together - and I save pretty well. I also get 5 bucks a month so that helps. Games are the main thing I buy myself. I have more money than I've ever had in my whole life right now but it's hard to get games cause I have to get approval from my dad and such  

    ARMA 2 is the latest game I got. Which is a pretty fun game. I also got TF2 and Total War: Shogun 2 around christmas but I haven't played too much of it cause it's hard to find a dedicated and cool person to play co-op with.

    I have a pretty big list of games I want...

    • FO game
    • ME3
    • Dead Island
    • Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Completely sarcastic)
    • Assassin's Creed (I haven't played any of them yet so the 'same game every year' thing doesn't exactly count for me)
    • Portal games (Lol, I remember seeing a review on "Postal III" and I thought it said Portal at first XD)

    I think that's it. Or at least most of them - I wish I hadn't sold my copy of King Kong though, that game was pretty fun. I used to have a bit of a problem with selling games and wanting to play them later XD

    • 577 posts
    April 22, 2012 9:17 AM EDT

    I didn't know PC games had 'trade in' quality? I assumed once you buy the game and crack it open, it's done, final deal, no value, no replay to anyone else? Sorry for my stupidity on this...