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Sovngarde: Who Will Make It?

  • November 15, 2014 3:34 AM EST

    I think I finally got the hang of this. I posted this in the blogs when I didn't know the rules. Hopefully I didn't do anything wrong this time. Thanks to ThePuppetMan and Soneca The Exiled for the heads-up. With all that being said, let me get started!

    I've wondered lately...out of all the Nords in the ES universe, which ones would go to Sovngarde (the Nord Heaven, for those who aren't aware)? As it is the "Nord" version of Heaven, only Nords would exist there, but I have a few questions. In the Companions, there is a Dunmer named Athis, who says that Skjor told him that "even an Elf can be born with the heart of a Nord." Does that mean someone, like Athis, can make it to Sovngarde if he meets the conditions? More evidence that the other races of Men, Elves and Beasts can enter Sovngarde is by the fact that (SPOILER ALERT)...

    Your character, The Last Dragonborn, whether he's a Nord, one of the other Human races, Elf, or Beast, enters Sovngarde as a mortal near the end of Skyrim (the main quest in the game). Tsun, the Nordic god of trials against adversity, says that he will welcome you again once you've perished. Even if you're not a Nord, he says this. This leads me, and many others, to believe that Tsun is referring to the fact that other races actually CAN go to Sovngarde. My guess would be that they'd only need to accept the Nords religion, and die bravely in battle. So, which characters throughout the whole ES series could reach Sovngarde? Tell me your thoughts on whoever you believe is in/will go to Sovngarde.

    • 130 posts
    November 15, 2014 3:43 AM EST

    Skjor doesn't know everything, and you might be able to enter Sovangarde because you are the Dragonborn, with the Dragonborn being a big part of Nord tradition.

  • November 15, 2014 4:01 AM EST

    Well, he never said that Athis could go to Sovngarde, just that he had the heart of a Nord (even though, in my opinion, Athis didn't seem very Nordic...). Plus, I didn't say he knew everything, like the fact that he didn't know that (SPOILER ALERT)...

    The Skinner would send him to The Hunting Grounds. XD But yes, the Dragonborn COULD go to Sovngarde, but if you consider all the quests canon (I barely even know what canon is in the ES universe anymore), even the Thieves Guild questline, then ol' LDB would most likely go to Evergloam, as his/her oath binds him to Nocturnal as a Nightingale. 

    • 130 posts
    November 15, 2014 4:26 AM EST

    I know you didn't say Skjor knew everything. but you did use a line from him as evidence. And with my dragonborn comment, I was talking about why Tsun might say you could return to Sovangarde despite being an elf or beast.

  • November 15, 2014 4:50 AM EST

    #TRUUU You are correct, I did use his line as evidence. I just thought that what he said was interesting. I'm sure that he's more of a hunt first, think after kind of guy. As for your Dragonborn comment, I understand that. I suppose it depends on what kind of character you play as. After all, canon in Skyrim is only true when the next ES game is released. All we have now is our headcanons. Thanks for your replies! I'm glad you understand the concept. But now that we've answered the Dragonborn question, what about the other races who aren't Dragonborn? If he tried hard enough, could Athis make it to Sovngarde?

  • Tom
    • 624 posts
    November 15, 2014 7:27 AM EST

    It isn't the matter in which you live, it is the manner in which you die that determines if one is worthy to enter Sovngarde.

    Whomever desires to enter Sovngarde, worships Shor (Lorkhan), and dies in battle, is in Sovngarde.

    • 641 posts
    November 15, 2014 7:51 AM EST

    What if you are the biggest scum bag on earth?

    • 1483 posts
    November 15, 2014 7:57 AM EST

    Technically, worshiping Shor implies that a person has some sort of honor. And if it's the case, he/she would not be the biggest scum bag on Nirn  

  • Tom
    • 624 posts
    November 15, 2014 8:44 AM EST

    It isn't the manner in which you live, it is the manner in which you die. As I said.

  • Tom
    • 624 posts
    November 15, 2014 8:50 AM EST

    Mind expanding upon that?

  • Tom
    • 624 posts
    November 15, 2014 9:05 AM EST

    True, in general. Though, mages are used heavily in war. There's no good reason no to.

  • Tom
    • 624 posts
    November 15, 2014 10:39 AM EST

    What's the point of pointing out the variations of magic based classes in TES?

  • November 17, 2014 3:02 PM EST

    This seems true for Nords, but I assume by "whomever", you mean the other races as well. I suppose it's the majority of the people in Skyrim that lead us to believe that only Nords could enter. Well, that, and the fact that you only see Nord heroes in Sovngarde (such as Torygg and other Imperial/Stormcloak soldiers). Whoever wants to enter Sovngarde should be able to with "the right stuff", but the ES universe is a lot about worship, as well. You said that they must worship Shor, as well as die in battle. I suppose someone who worshipped Sithis and died in combat would go to, well, Sithis. It's been stated before that whoever you worship and carry out ideals for, will claim you as one of their own in their realm. However, to go to Sovngarde, you are technically implying that someone must live their life for Shor in order to reach their preferred afterlife, correct? But I understand (at least I think I do) why you say that. Most people, whether man, mer, or beast, if they want to reach Sovngarde, may battle quite a lot, and risk their life doing so, as that leads to Sovngarde. That's kind of how most Nords lives are generally like. However, I think it's that you must die BRAVELY in battle. At least, that's how it's implied in the games, as I myself would find it a little hard to believe that someone who knew they were going to die, tried to run, and got shot with an arrow and perished anyway, would go to Sovngarde. It isn't a place for cowards. The School of Illusion could technically be used to either prevent a person from reaching Sovngarde, or be used to send them there. Now that IS an interesting topic...

    • 168 posts
    November 17, 2014 6:39 PM EST

    Sovngarde is the Elder Scrolls version of Valhalla. In order to enter, you must prove that you are worthy. And this is tested not by the way you live but the way you die. If you have died bravely, then Sovngarde is yours. Read the book "A dream of Sovngarde" to learn more about this

  • November 18, 2014 7:53 PM EST

    Ah, yes! I forgot about that book! Thanks for reminding me; I'll go read it!