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What would you like to see in The Elder Scrolls VI?

    • 61 posts
    November 26, 2013 5:01 PM EST

    Omg yes please. I wouldn't play as anything but

    • 61 posts
    November 26, 2013 5:05 PM EST

    Spell variation, make some schools more useful/less over-powered/boring, variety, not being forced into the story as much (i.e. so many things, including the civil war and dragons actually spawning in the game, require you to at least go a bit of the way into the story), things such as hunting and mixing potions actually beinga valid way to live in skyrim, hardcore mode (like new vegas), and... MORE LORE! Dwarves, snow elves Lilmothiit, Sloads + more. Just interesting stuff like that

  • November 26, 2013 5:14 PM EST

    A finished story line. cooperative play. Take away dragons. Leave thu'um but restrict it to Nords. Ability to kill slaughter fish while in the water. Better story line. Allow the character more options for what he wants to do with his life, like becoming a king. More power on how to make armor, weapons and clothing, like custom crafting. VATS for Elderscrolls. I don't want a bandit coming at me with an arrow in it's skull. And some freaking conservation of mass when crafting. That was a small thing that really annoyed me. It takes six pound of a metal and 0.4 pound of leather to make a 40 pound greatsword. WHAT?! That doesn't even make any sense! No one can use a 40 pound weapon! and where did those extra 33.6 pounds come from! 

    • 158 posts
    November 26, 2013 6:36 PM EST

    This is a world where you can re-animate the dead, sort of fly, stop time, use telekenises, breath underwater, shoot fire, lightning and ice from your hands, travel through dimensions, fight dragons, undead, giant spiders, and machines that even modern humanity couldn't replicate to working order.

    I doubt the laws of conservation of mass were on the developers mind when they were designing swords made out of the hearts of demons from another plane of existence. 

  • November 26, 2013 6:47 PM EST

    physics still apply to the world. Devs did bottom drawer work. I prefer top drawer material. 

  • November 26, 2013 7:03 PM EST
    I don't think Shouts would work well as a racial power, unless it was just one shout. Especially since I doubt the Thu'um will fit the theme of the next game.
  • November 26, 2013 7:15 PM EST

    Are you trying to take away Nordic racial heritage? Not cool, man. Not cool at all. 

  • November 26, 2013 7:24 PM EST
    Except that only around 2% of the Nords in Skyrim know how to shout and it requires training (racial powers don't require training). The same reason I don't think Redguards should have the Shehai as a racial power.

    Now if they added Racial Perk trees instead of basic powers, then yes. Give the Nords shouts, give the Redguards the Shehai, etc etc.
  • November 26, 2013 7:27 PM EST

    Not every Japanese knows how to forge a samurai sword either, but the weapon is a symbol of the people. So, maybe have a racial skill tree, and have the nukes at the top. You and your redguard mind swords ruining everything...*squints and frowns*

    • 159 posts
    November 26, 2013 7:51 PM EST

    Spears would be great..... Different playable khajiit breeds. A height slider for character creation. Better more customization for armor. Different sheaths like all your weapons being shown on your character. Like shields being carried on your back, if you dual wield you have two sheaths, Etc. Better animations and A unarmed skill tree 

    • 2 posts
    November 26, 2013 8:07 PM EST

    For me it's not really about improving game play, or adding lots more features, as the game is great in most respects.  It's just improving small things.

    Dragons, for example, are a royal pain when they attack towns, and so are vampires, because civilians with no chance of survival insist on fighting them.  Make them flee into their homes and hide by default.  The number of times I've had to reload because a civilian has been incinerated by a dragon later on in the game, or because vampires attacked a town at night while they were wandering close to the main gate, is just daft.  They would run and late the guards handle it, so that's what they should do.  Dragons also spawn too frequently as the game progresses through higher levels.  In fact, dragons could just go completely in the next version of the game, since I think that they are by far the least interesting aspect of Skyrim.

    The main thing which needs improving, for me, though is the appearance.  They need to work on making the character look better, especially the female faces, which are just not very flattering for many of the races in Skyrim.  Also, robes for mages are just terrible.  I want flowing robes in bright colours which actually look both impressive and magical, not drab uninspiring garments which are just not imaginative at all.  My attempt at a fire mage is build is frustrated by the fact that she can't wear any flowing red robes which glow with a yellow fiery aura.  It's these small things that I would like to see changed more than anything else.

    One final thing which springs to mind is speeding up crafting.  If I want to create multiple iron daggers, and then add the same enchantment to each, it currently takes me an age!  Far better to be able to choose how many you want to create/enchant at the same time, depending on the raw materials in your inventory, and then click okay.  It would remove one of the few tedious aspects of the game play.

    • 12 posts
    November 27, 2013 4:54 AM EST

    In my opinion there should be a survival difficulty in which popular mods like frostfall, needs and diseases, and the vastness of skyre are implemented. I play on console so naturally i'm very limited, and the thought of having to actually survive and tend to your basic needs regularly would be astounding and allow you to both completely immerse yourself and add a whole new approach to situations. "Do I stay at the inn for the night, or risk freezing to death making it to the next village by morn? And if I do go are my food and water stocks up to par?" These are the mechanics I yearn to see.

    Also more armor and weapon variety, trade flows freely from Provence to Provence so there is no reason you should be limited to the weapons and armor of a single place. The ability to tan leather and stain metals would also be a great add, giving you the ability to craft truly unique armors and weapons.

    Perhaps an economy overhaul, if you sell ten million banish/paralyze enchanted iron daggers, you would think inflation would render the selling price incredibly low. This would allow greater flexibility and force you to play the market, buy low sell high anyone?

    Werewolf and vampire overhaul: werewolves should get a strength bonus as a human granting a boost to 1 and two handed and increased carry weight by lets say 10-15%. Whilst vampires not in direct sunlight get a speed and stamina buff with a small chance maybe 5-10% to avoid taking damage from a physical hit? Or perhaps instead 75% boost to health regen during combat and 100% boost out of combat if you having sucked blood withing a certain amount of time. Which reminds me vampires getting stronger the longer they go without feeding.... really?

    • 27 posts
    November 27, 2013 10:55 AM EST

    Or Manbearpig?!

    • 3 posts
    November 27, 2013 3:35 PM EST

    More lycanthrope forms and a duel wielding skill tree. I love duel wielding 

    • 194 posts
    November 28, 2013 2:19 AM EST

    The thing I want most are mores significant choices, effects, and morality decisions. If you have ever played Fallout: New Vegas, you have probably seen how deep that game goes into what you want your character to be. There is a problem, however, in how the Elder Scrolls is written to have a hero who is destined to be a hero in each game. This pigeonholes their quest structure to be a bit limited and to end up with the same result each time. Not only that, but when we did vanquish our great enemy in Skyrim the citizens hardly gave a sh*t! At least give me an adoring fan character to shout off of the Throat of the World!

    But seriously, I can always go for more complex quest structure. The dungeon delving and item gathering is stale.

    • 89 posts
    November 28, 2013 9:58 AM EST

    An impending release date.

    • 39 posts
    December 2, 2013 7:05 AM EST

    less...mature content? What?

    I will agree that the light armor hoods almost all look terrible (the exception being nightingale)

    • 39 posts
    December 2, 2013 7:14 AM EST

    ^ this.

    • 28 posts
    December 2, 2013 8:26 AM EST

    I'd love a Hardcore mode similar to New Vegas as well as new schools of magic (poison spells, holy spells,  etc) purely for some variation.

    I would also personally like some way to create a follower for yourself, building it up like your main character, similar to how Dragon's Dogma works, so that followers are more than just pack mules, but a character that you become invested in.

    Other than that, some real moral choices that have real outcomes, not just a different line of dialogue by one NPC.

    • 700 posts
    December 12, 2013 6:29 PM EST

    I like to see new mechanics, like a special unsheathe attack.  Say something starts attacking you and it catches you off guard - instead of unsheathing and then attacking, it becomes all one motion, where you attack as you unsheathe.  It can do minimal damage, use stamina, and stagger.

    And better choices, morality, hardcore mode, blah, blah, blah.  Everything that's been said already.  

    • 104 posts
    December 12, 2013 8:05 PM EST
    Dodging. A more radiant AI world where factions compete. Smarter AI. destructible environments (can be used offensively or defensively).
    • 36 posts
    December 12, 2013 8:06 PM EST
    All the continents and be able to lead a city or army and join a military and over time there might be an uprising to fight.
    • 39 posts
    December 13, 2013 5:40 AM EST
    Akaviri!!! Imagine playing as a tang mo, a tsaesci, kamal, and all other Akaviri races.
    • 104 posts
    December 13, 2013 10:18 AM EST
    Acrobatics, knew there was something from Oblivion I missed. (Could go with dodging?) Also be able to pay mages to enchant gear and smiths for armor/weapons. Would be cool to climb and get better positioning for stealth.
    • 106 posts
    December 13, 2013 10:27 AM EST

    make vampires actually useful -__- in oblivion, they were BAD ASS. The Sun Damage per second was an awesome concpt, not stunted regen. and resistance to normal weapons is too cool for school. Also I would like to see new types or armors, a new difficulty system (i have a rant about that :P ) and throwing weapons. perhaps bring mysticism back, and bring back acrobatics and athletics. Maybe wayfarer? and add more roleplay choices with dire consequence. And definitely add something similar to the Frostfall mod. Realistic needs and diseases too... okay im done