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Coupla Unlikely Alliances: What May Happen?

    • 4 posts
    October 6, 2013 6:06 PM EDT

    Say, just wanted to bring ya guys a coupla thoughts to, well, think about, maybe get some discussions rollin'. In the Elder Scrolls world, there roam around a fewsome of factions, err, more like government-things. Y'know, the Empire, the Aldmeri Dominion, Orsinium... So on, so forth.

    In the case of some o' the more less likely alliances, what do y'all think would come? Feel free to come up with yer own ideas, but I got a few I was 'specially curious about:

    1. Empire and Aldmeri Dominion. Like, maybe they got a want to take over all'a Tamriel together? Imperials like them some total control, an' the Thalmor gain some recognition an' stuff. Sure, it ain't likely, but tha's the point here. If they came together'n tried to whip Tamriel, what'd come or happen?

    2. Orsinium and the Dragons. Heh, just a little thing to work yer brain with. Assuming the Dragonborn saved the world from Alduin then up'n left, the Dragons team up with the Orsimer country to try ta take Tamriel 'emselves. How'd that go? Big war, but na sure who'd be winner there. Orsinium's a tiny li'l half-country, but Orcs're strong, and ridin' dragons... Just scary to think about.

    Whatta you guys think'd happen if these alliances came about, and wha' kinda alliances're you guys interested in the possibility of?

    • 856 posts
    October 6, 2013 9:09 PM EDT

    The falmer and the forsworn would be a strange and powerful combination. I doubt either side would go for it (and the falmer seem beyond any type of alliance).

    • 152 posts
    October 6, 2013 9:58 PM EDT

    I don't think it would work well, they both have similar battle strategies, which means they have the same weaknesses, which bodes ill for them.

    • 167 posts
    October 6, 2013 10:24 PM EDT

    The Blades, The Dark Brotherhood, and The Stormcloaks team up to get what they want... Stormcloaks take Skyrim, Dark Brotherhood take down the Emperor, and The Blades put someone else on the throne as emperor, and use their former allies to push the Thalmor away. Unlikely, but it would be neat to happen.

    Also, I'm not sure if you can help it, but your writing style is a really hard to read.

    • 4 posts
    October 6, 2013 11:00 PM EDT

    Eh heh, sorry. Is a good bit harder to write while having a casual tone as a just-learner of the language in a home with a lot of slang-speakers. I'll give a trying effort to make myself easier to have an understanding about.

    Crap, now I've got a need to speak serious on a video game messaging board just to give an understandable mean... lol...

    • 89 posts
    October 6, 2013 11:05 PM EDT

    Forsworn and the Empire. In an attempt to retake Skyrim, they offer the Forsworn the Reach in exchange for their aid in a second war. With Madanach at large again and thirsting for revenge against Ulfric, organization will be far simpler, and coordination very impressive. Their style of vicious, guerilla warfare would be extremely effective throughout the Reach, cutting off much of Skyrim's wealth, and throughout southern Skyrim, handing Falkreath and likely the Rift to the Imperials, as well as Hjaalmarch and the swamps of Eastmarch, giving the more disciplined Imperial Legion a staging ground to sweep through the open plains of Whiterun and into the heart of Ulfric's holdings, forcing him to flee up the coast into the Pale and Winterhold...where he forges an unlikely alliance with the mages of the College of Winterhold, offering them greater prestige and influence, as well as funding for research and acceptance throughout Skyrim, which also goes a long way to loosening racial tensions and broadening Ulfric's appeal. With a larger soldiery and enchanted weaponry and armor, a more effective Stormcloak army drives East and, using a tactic learned from the Imperial conquest of Morrowind, uses a Waterbreathing cloak to take Solitude, by surprise this time, again cutting off the head of the Empire's presence, and forcing a retreat from the Stormcloaks' defensive line in the northwestern mountains to consolidate. Sensing weakness in their allies, the Forsworn break and hold Markarth on their own, fortifying their border forts and ruins, leaving the Imperial forces weakened and underfunded, causing the appointment of a more ruthless brand of general to the Legion, resulting in a third weird alliance as, unable to conquer militarily, this new general turns to the only way to strike at Ulfric, making peace with the Dark Brotherhood. His assassination destroys the organization and cause of his men, allowing the weakened Legion to wipe out scattered bands of diverse factions, each led by a man with slightly different ideas on race and self-governance, as well as royal aspirations, leaving Skyrim scarred, divided, and under the hand of a ruthless military governor, wide open to Thalmor influence...especially if they offered sovereignty in exchange for aid in the second Great War, specifically a surprise invasion from the North...

    • 89 posts
    October 6, 2013 11:06 PM EDT

    Wow. That was longer than I realized. 

    • 641 posts
    October 7, 2013 5:44 PM EDT

    The Forsworn team up with the Orc strongholds and kick all the Nords out of the Reach