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What would YOU do in Skyrim?

  • June 5, 2013 9:33 AM EDT

    Heavy metal...hmm, I think the Havkins beat you to that and...Orc Bard...I just got reminded of Lurbuk *shudders* No offense.

    • 1913 posts
    June 5, 2013 9:37 AM EDT
    I would become a bard, and I would serenade the lovely women of the nearest town or traveling female adventurers. And I would study alchemy

    My new name would be Wolff Snow-Song
    • 28 posts
    November 13, 2013 4:16 PM EST

    I would probably do the exact same thing Sam, although I'de just stick around Tolfdir and Urag cause 1. I love reading especially the riddle books (I have a mod that adds 10 more of those with irl riddles in them :D) and 2. Alteration is by far the most interesting school of magic to me. Especially Telekenisis, Paralyze, and Detect Life.

    • 360 posts
    November 13, 2013 4:20 PM EST

    up until maven kills you because of competition

    • 28 posts
    November 13, 2013 4:23 PM EST

    So donate your body to Sanguine?

    • 360 posts
    November 13, 2013 4:27 PM EST

    I would make my way to the college and try to find more useful applications in the alteration school, especially transmutation. seriously, after watching fullmetal alchemist I noticed how many cool things transmutation can do, not just turn iron into gold, and that is not even an equivalent exchange...

  • Tom
    • 624 posts
    November 13, 2013 9:09 PM EST

    From the start I'd get as far from Helgen and the Imperials and Stormcloaks. I'm not willing to die for Skyrim or its people.

    I'm not sure how literate the common man is in Skyrim, but if they aren't I'd work through some of the smaller towns and holdings as a scribe to write their letters and whatnot. I'd purchase or trade for spell books and teach myself some basic spells for utility and defense while I traveled, I'd love to pick up some herbalism and alchemical skill to supplement my income.

    I'd make for Morthal for sure, Falion would make an amazing teacher. I'm not too keen on joining the College of Winterhold, but I'll check into it. Their library alone would be worth it. Definitely some elemental magic, alteration, restoration, and conjuring if I'm very, very careful.

    Companions... Hmmm, certainly an atronach or golem as a personal guard. If I didn't find someone I trusted or liked, I'd probably settle for one of those wolfhounds or two warn and help fight anything that could hunt/attack us.

    From there is a good question. I'm a bit of a coward, so I probably wouldn't go adventuring unless I had a decent-sized, well armed, and well informed party. Wealth would be my immediate goal after learning magic, getting paid for my services and treasure from the occasional excavation (Dwemer artifacts and metals of course).

    When I have the money, I'd purchase a sizable stead in Falkreath Hold along the northern shore of Lake Ilinalta if possible or just northeast of Talking Stone giant camp/Rorikstead next to the river and overlooking the falls. I'd begin construction on my own wizard's tower and stone fort, that start of what I hope to be my own town.

    In Falkreath, I'd try and buy as much territory as possible and hire workers to start cutting timber to run those vampires across the lake out of business. Through one method or another, I'll get rid of them and take over that mill. I'd actually build that site into my own town for my workers, and start work on docks and fishing boats. Falkreath as a great deal of natural resources, and I'll build my own lordship on top of it.

    I'd do something similar in Whiterun. Though it might be a bit more difficult with Rorik. I'd need to get control of Rorikstead and the surrounding land. I'd bring in farmers to work the land, but I'd be more interested in finding some sort of ore in those stoney hills surrounding the town. If I get enough power and money, I'd move the town to the crossroads to the north. Gain access to the main road through Whiterun from the northwest.

    • 7 posts
    November 13, 2013 9:18 PM EST

    I would be dead, or terrified of quickly ending up that way. My first goal would be get the hell out of Helgen, and make friends with somebody who could keep me alive while I tried to figure out if learning magic has anything in common with the academics I'm more familiar with. If I could somehow end up in the College, I would probably be perfectly content reading books, eating bread, and staying very much alive, far far away from anybody with a sword or an ideology to share at the end of it.

  • Al
    • 23 posts
    November 13, 2013 9:45 PM EST

    Probably would be a blacksmith, 'cause I'm good at metal work, but I'm too slow and stupid to do much else.

    • 158 posts
    November 13, 2013 9:53 PM EST

    After some thought I've decided to amend my earlier statement from like 4 pages ago.

    We all have aspirations of grandeur when we think of entering the world of skyrim, what with our modern day intelligence and all, but think...  Skyrim has giant spiders. Not just big spiders. Giant spiders. I was reduced to a quivering mess just this morning when confronted by the 8 legged fiend in a doorway.

    Demon Spawn- 1
    Josh- 0

    Secondly; It took me 2 tries to get up the stairs today. Let that sink in for a moment. Should I enter the world of Skyrim, places like High Hrothgar? Noooo thank you!  

    • 426 posts
    November 14, 2013 1:27 AM EST

    I think for me I would end up as a Blacksmith and maybe have the odd hunting trip. I think I would be based out of Whiterun or Falkreath I just prefer the forests down there. If not I would be up in the Rift again as I love the surroundings I could see myself mining at Shors Stone. Im too much of a Lover not a Fighter to be running around slaying Dragons. 

    • 74 posts
    November 16, 2013 10:27 PM EST
    I'd probably be an alchemist. Salmon roe + Histcarp= $$$. I'm more of a thinker then a fighter. Plus I'd get myself killed in like, the first battle.
    • 74 posts
    November 16, 2013 10:35 PM EST
    Once Balgruf told me I'd have to climb 7,000 steps, I was like eff that I'm goin' home.
    • 41 posts
    February 1, 2014 12:35 PM EST

    Marry a fellow thief... VEX lol

    • 149 posts
    February 1, 2014 1:22 PM EST

    Leave. I hate the cold. 

    • 3 posts
    February 1, 2014 3:05 PM EST

    I'd probably run as fast as I can as soon as Alduin attacks. From there, I'd maybe ask someone nice in Riverwood (Faendal perhaps, after p****** Sven off) if they would help me reach Whiterun. I'm rather brave, but not DRAGONBORN brave. So I would tell Balgruff about the dragon attack and then when he asks about going to Bleak Falls Barrow, I'll run off... As for a profession, I might become a bard in Solitude because I love music, or a member of the thieves guild who only steals from the jarls and the rich- people who have much more money than they need (A sort of Robin Hood character). I like to think that I'm reasonably intelligent, so who knows- I might end up studying the school of restoration at the college... I COULD BE THE FIRST VEGETARIAN MAGE IN SKYRIM!

    • 79 posts
    February 1, 2014 3:21 PM EST

    Out of personal safety I would probably bring about the advent of firearms. It would most definitely revolutionize combat and warfare of Tameriel.

    Since I'm fairly familiar with carpentry and metalwork as well as parts of the gun and rifles, I'd probably spend time at the smithies. I would also join the local mages guild and prime up on basic magic and apply it to these conceptualized firearms. I would first start small (complexity wise) and bring about the cannon, A closed barrel, a cannon ball and powder, and gradually work my way up in complexity all the way up to a handgun/rifle.

    Eventually once I've found willing participants to collaborate with me I will slowly form a specialized armed division that will combine the deadly efficiency of firearms with magic and enchantments to bring about a new chapter in Tamerial, the Age of Firearms.

    • 1 posts
    April 14, 2014 3:19 PM EDT

    I will reply to this as I always try to put a bit of myself into each character I create.

    I would probably be a Hammer+Shield user with Light Armor.  If vanilla skyrim had spears I would be a spear+shield using fisherman living in Solitude.  I would spend most of my time at sea on a boat or diving for fish, if Skyrim were real we can assume those ships at Solitude go out and come back every day right?

    I wouldn't touch magic, enchanting or alchemy and I would probably tease anyone who did.  I would dabble in smithing as a side hobby.  I would be interested in Nord history as I have traces of viking blood in my family.  I would take a follower on any dangerous research outings ( several if it were real life ).  I would also keep a journal for notes and sketches of various landscapes that I thought were pretty ( if skyrim were real there would be no pop-in /  draw distance ugliness ).

    Going to finish reading the thread now :)

    • 87 posts
    April 14, 2014 5:55 PM EDT

    Make my way to the companions. I know how to handle a sword with ease, and they'd be able to toughen me up in almost every way; including passivity over killing. I'm so passive irl that I won't even shoot a possum with a bow and arrow.

    • 61 posts
    April 14, 2014 6:11 PM EDT

    I'd start by acquiring a dagger or knife, a hunting bow (It's closer to a recurve bow than the longbow, recurve is what I shoot with) and a backpack. Then I'd probably cut wood at the mill for a while and maybe quarry a bit of stone for a village like Riverwood. After training to become better at archery without complex sights, I'd probably start hunting small game and selling what I catch. After acquiring various objects and getting to know local merchants and suppliers I'd try and start out as a travelling merchant/trader as well as running courier and delivery jobs. If I didn't get wounded by bandits, I'd like to hire a mercenary or bodyguard to travel with if not a housecarl from working for a Jarl. I'd like to also have a crossbow with me for safety. I guess it would be nice to have a house, but I doubt I'd buy one until I would be ready to settle down. In essence, I'd like to be a merchant.

  • April 14, 2014 6:25 PM EDT

    I would probably go study at the college and become a mage/scholar. I would train alot with Tolfdir as i am very good at using my wits as a defence-mechanism. I would probably in my spare time write books on my research and or go advise the jarls of skyrim, as i am quite interested in politics. 

    • 56 posts
    April 14, 2014 9:42 PM EDT
    Archer! :-D