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Rage moments

    • 59 posts
    October 18, 2012 11:18 AM EDT

    Killmoves always makes me want to throw the controller at the screen. Dragon ones, human ones; it doesn't matter, they are all annoying. I have no idea what the program is telling it to do but its stupid and should be fixed. When you have quite a bit of health left but the game decides that you should die and and die and die again. THIS ISN'T DARK SOULS! If I wanted to be killed easily I would play that again.  

    But the game that has made me rage quite the most that I am playing at the moment HAS to be TOMB RAIDER: THE LAST REVELATION. I love the Tomb Raider series but the older games, though are my favourite are hellishly annoying. She is so picky on when you have to press the jump button, and it doesn't help that I am on the PS  Vita so L2 and R2 are touch locations on the back and I can never find them! 

    • 10 posts
    October 18, 2012 1:38 PM EDT

    I almost rage quit my first werewolf character. I was playing through the Companions story line and I forgot I had Beast Form equipped instead of my shout. I was sneaking and began the transformation, while I was transforming I was killed by two bandits. When my save reloaded I was stuck in sneak mode and could not get out of it (wouldn't let me transform again either). I had to sneak out of the cave and sneak all the way to the closest town and then interact with the leather tanner to stand back up. It took close to 3hr to walk back to town because I didn't have ninja roll and thus couldn't run away from anything, I had to fight (and get killed a few times) by anything that wanted to fight.

    • 856 posts
    October 19, 2012 7:20 AM EDT

    It's rare that I get enraged with a game (or anything), nowadays; that's assuming I am well.  If I am sick, then the smallest thing can set me off.  My temper is more related to my health than events.

    • 14 posts
    October 22, 2012 9:47 AM EDT
    Yesterday I realized that my first character on Skyrim was deleted. My Altmer pure Mage. He was the first character I killed Alduin with, became Arch-Mage, and just righted wrongs in Skyrim with. I plugged in probably well over 100 hours with him... And yesterday he just wasn't in my saved games anymore. I couldn't believe it and was outraged. Idk how... Just gone. Very sad. :( I am currently replaying him however or at least a similar build, but it just isn't the same. That is my biggest rage moment fromSkyrim without a doubt.
    • 44 posts
    October 27, 2012 9:16 AM EDT
    i was dungeon diving for one of the dragon priest masks cant remember which one and as i was fighting the dragon priest i saw i needed like two more hits to kill him but then he blasted me with lightning and killed me instantly and i was at maybe half life and then when the loading stopped i was back at the very beginning from where i entered the dungeon,i was so pissed i actually did break my controller lolz
    • 2 posts
    October 27, 2012 10:38 AM EDT

    The worst one for me was an event I call "The Immortal Bandit Chief". I was playing on Master, just having slain the first dragon (Mirmulnir, I believe is how it is spelled) and traveling along the dreaded walk to Ivarstead. The Valtheim Towers come into view and I decide to venture in and tear up the bandits. More than once I ducked for cover, shot off a few arrows and cast a healing spell, but in the end all the lower-end bandits were slain. All that was left was the big guy, the bandit chief. Arming myself with my trusted sword and shield I ran forward and bashed the guy on the bridge. By sheer luck I actually knocked him off the edge! I was relieved, because I feared the bandit chief would butcher me.

    Strangely though, the little red dot did not disappear as he hit the ground (Yes, ground, he landed between the tower and the river). The next thing I know the "Immortal Bandit Chief" is barging up the stairway, pissed and ready to cleave me in two. Like any good warrior I steel myself for the battle, slashing away at the fiend desperately trying to cut him down. 

    As half of my health disappears I notice I've barely nicked his, almost as if my blows were not even connecting. In a last ditch effort I use "Fus" to stun him, then bashed with my shield repeatedly until he went off the edge again. Landing in the river the guy survived, but, I used my beloved bow to keep him in the water with a Frost Enchantment. 

    Off the edge of the waterfall he goes, and I breathe once more, sure that death has befallen him. The red dot is gone and I begin to loot around, though the scrap was barely worth taking I still felt the need to at least gain some reward from this intense battle.

    Then, I see this little red dot pop up and I look down to see the Bandit Chief clambering back up the road. At that point I decided to run like a little school girl, this guy would not die!

    That fight was one of the most annoying battles I have ever had in Skyrim, and everywhere I search I can find no one who has had the same experience. Have any of you ever faced an enemy who just seemed indestructible? 

    I came back to the towers on the way back to Whiterun from High Hrothgar and stopped in on the guy, and his immortality was gone. At the moment I lopped his head off (I love that perk!) I actually felt like Highlander. 

    • 1913 posts
    October 27, 2012 11:14 AM EDT
    THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! I love that movie. Maybe the reason the guy survived was because he landed in a large amount of water, which when he fell only made him swim.
    • 2 posts
    October 27, 2012 10:15 PM EDT

    The second time he did land in the water, which is why I wasn't surprised he survived. But the first fall was onto the solid ground underneath. And, the second fall had the part over the waterfall, which is nearly impossible to survive unless you somehow land clear of the rocky bottom. How he survived the first I will never know, the second fall is understandable and the third fall (Over the waterfall) is a stroke of luck on his behalf.

    • 377 posts
    October 28, 2012 1:25 AM EDT

    When i've got a lot of progress done and I haven't saved in a while,... and the game CTD. *RAGE* grrrr... This makes me paranoid about quicksaving every few minutes.

    • 1913 posts
    October 28, 2012 10:04 AM EDT
    I had to fight 2 camps full of forsworn and a legendary dragon 4 times because the game didn't save correctly. I really didn't want to join the blades after that
    • 158 posts
    October 29, 2012 7:01 AM EDT

    For me it's when I was playing a Dead is Dead character and I just returned to whiterun hold after saving the world from alduin. That's right, I killed alduin thus saving the souls of skyrims inhabitants. I decide to pick a flower. One Flower. Outside of some random house. I pick said flower and everyone goes batshit crazy and effectively gang bangs me with swords, hammers and bows.My dead is dead character died to death via flower.

    • 20 posts
    February 13, 2013 9:28 PM EST

    My game just screwed me. I was trying to do the Companions questline, but things went awry at Kodlak's funeral. Eorlund disappeared, so I couldn't get the last Wuthrad shard for him. I used console commands to find him outside of Whiterun, but he's completely unresponsive. Nothing I do will make him give me the quest. So now I'm stuck. Finishing the Companions was pivotal to my new build and I now I can't. Thank you Skyrim, for this wonderful experience.