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Dark Souls: A New Level of Gaming

    • 426 posts
    March 14, 2013 12:55 AM EDT

    This game is awesome. Ty got me to get it and he was like that little bald dude in the dungeons and dragons cartoon of the 80's leading me down all the right paths lol We co oped alot of the game switch over to help each other out. Once I had got to a certain point I went or was left by Ty to find my own way and took on a lot of the bosses solo. I love the system and mechanics of this game. It is for true gamers so i think putting in an easy mode is an insult to the game and its ethos. 

    One thing that still infuriates me is invaders. Especially when they ignore protocol and just try to one hit kill you. If you want an honourable stand up fight Im cool. But to be cheesed by some hacker punk when your loaded with souls and trying to get to a bonfire sucks! 

    Saying that now my character is up to like lvl 120 something I have started toying with invaders and owning them which brings massive waves of joy and statisfaction. As Ty and myself have said many times whilst playing this game its time to Unleash the Beast and Have it!!!!!! 

    I havent played for quite a while and do really need to get back into it and start helping people out just so those cowardly invaders don't ruin it for them.

    One of my all time favorite games so far.

    • 952 posts
    March 14, 2013 5:12 AM EDT
    Fat rols are just fine when you can 1hit kill or 2hit most enemies before they can even reach you with a black knight sword + 5. The layer of armour and the shield just allows you to turtle pretty much everything as soon as you get Havel's armour, his shield is a bit over the top though.
    • 426 posts
    March 14, 2013 6:06 AM EDT

    Yeah Im like you Dieter I get armoured up. I tend to keep it below the 50% mark just so Im not running to slow. Ty is completely anti fat roll lol I rock the elite knight armour most the time. Classic and effective.

    • 952 posts
    March 14, 2013 7:38 AM EDT
    Elite knight is pretty good against bosses, just like Ornsteins armour because it keeps you well protected against everything whilst being relatively light on your feet. Havel's armour is good against regular enemies that I can kill easily without being hit anyway, but where I like to take as little damage as possible when I do make a mistake that I have enough estus flasks left for when I really need them.
    • 20 posts
    March 14, 2013 8:30 AM EDT

    If you decide to jump in to Dark Souls now, just know that things were a lot worse before some of the previous patches came in. All it was was lag-stabbing and lightning enchanted weapons, which really took limited a lot of build opportunities. However once you get the hang of the game and understand the workings of it, which took me months, you'll be hooked. I'd say it's on par with Skyrim but is a far different game. Don't try to compare the two when it comes to combat. 

    • 577 posts
    March 14, 2013 8:44 AM EDT

    I would agree with you...Completely different games. For some reason ppl like to compare. I think it's just because they came out pretty much at the same time. But it seems ppl that love DarkSouls tend to reeeaaallly dislike Skryim. LOL! It's quite amusing

    • 426 posts
    March 14, 2013 8:48 AM EDT

    I would never compare the two either. Dark Souls  is different for many reasons. But both games are just as good as each other in opinion.

    • 577 posts
    March 14, 2013 11:06 AM EDT

    I always thought this video was awesome. Some DarkSouls with Skryim theme music. You can pretty much put the Skryim score to anything and it would be cool. lol I'm not sure if this score was playing quietly during you DkS playthrough, how many ppl would actually play this game. Don't get me wrong, I love how there's no music or very little (bosses, Firelink Shrine) through out the game which gives it its ambiance, but this is pretty cool....

    • 360 posts
    March 14, 2013 1:10 PM EDT
    I gank there sometimes when i need to power level. But no, i meant setting up duels there, its something that is really fun when u get a lot of people dueling and the host going against the champion
    • 577 posts
    March 14, 2013 2:02 PM EDT

    Ehh...I know what you mean, but I'd rather just help ppl with Gaping Dragon and get a guaranteed 12,500 souls or Qualaag for 15k/20k souls. You usually meet nice people too who appreciate the help and then maybe continue on helping them with other bosses. The Garden is usually just a hate fest of angry players that suck so in order to dance with the big boys they need two summons. lol

    • 952 posts
    March 14, 2013 2:05 PM EDT

    Gaping dragon is supereasy, Quelaag is super hard. Smough and Ornstein are the most difficult.

  • March 26, 2013 10:09 PM EDT
    So my bro is visiting for Easter and I'm pretty sure he's bringin' his PS3 and Dark Souls, so I'm gonna run the gauntlet! I played it for all of 5 minutes before I got my assed kicked by some skellies when I tried retrea- err, repositioning myself. Think I'll go with lighter armor and rely on movement and blocking.

    Wish me luck (I'll likely need it!)! :D
    • 577 posts
    March 26, 2013 10:17 PM EDT

    lol...don't go down to the graveyard. Head up along side the cliff. Be sure to LOCK ON targets!! I played for about 4 hours without realizing you could lock on to targets. Immensely improved my overall gameplay. Keep your shield up most of the time and counter hit when their hits bounce of your shield. Don't button bash! doesn't work in this all. Stay Hollow so you won't get invaded. Invaders will wreck your ass big time. Especially if your new to the game and it's mechanics.

    Good luck and may the Flames guide thee....oh yeah, get Master Key as gift or choose the Thief class and get it with character. Don't take Pendant as's useless