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What new enemies would you like to see in Skyrim?

    • 12 posts
    August 30, 2012 11:15 PM EDT

    There are many cool ones in game already, but an experienced adventurer can handle them all. What creatures would you like to see, fight, or befriend? You can go ahead and go nuts, let your imagination run wild. I doubt the Bethesda guys will read any of our ideas, but hey - I will!

    Feel free to comment on other peoples thoughts too but as don't be nasty, they're just ideas after all. And who knows, it may actually be funny to see a giant space monkey that goes super saiyan and stands as tall as the throat of the world in game. *shrug* :P

    I'll be putting up my own ideas here too. Just to keep em all together.

    Lastly, this is my first(?) discussion post - sorry if I'm treading on toes - I'm just a noob! :P

    • 54 posts
    August 30, 2012 11:20 PM EDT

    Ogres, Minotaurs and Goblins would be epic

    • 708 posts
    August 30, 2012 11:36 PM EDT

    Dwemer Bombardier - a ranged boss-level centurion, using those exploding Dwarven ballistae you sometimes find in ruins

    Giant Champion - Trained giants convinced to work for one faction or another, in metal armor wielding huge greatswords

    The Mighty Cliff Racer - need I say more?

    Dragon Priest Initiate - lower-level dragon priest Mages that back up Draugr in larger fights

    • 557 posts
    August 30, 2012 11:52 PM EDT

    I must agree, more dwemer constructs and the Cliff Racers would be amazing, I would like to see the emergence of Weresharks and Werecrocodiles (shocker).

    • 12 posts
    August 31, 2012 12:16 AM EDT

    I think I'd throw in Rust Monsters and Gelatinous cubes too from the D&D monster manuals! :D

    • 12 posts
    August 31, 2012 12:19 AM EDT

    Oh man, cliff racers! I don't know how many of those bastards I killed climbing up the Red Mountain. I knew something was missing on the walk up to High Hrothgar! :P 

    • 12 posts
    August 31, 2012 12:34 AM EDT

    For my first entry, I think I'd like to see the Bloodsuckers from the Stalker Series.

    If you don't know what they are, think of a naked, man sized Cthulhu that can turn invisible, has sharp claws, a face full of tentacles and a hunger to eat your guts out. Good times all around.

    Pyramid Head from Silent Hill comes a close 2nd just for pure WTF value. ^_^

    • 12 posts
    August 31, 2012 1:17 AM EDT

    Yikes! Those were the Croc guys right?

    • 12 posts
    August 31, 2012 1:19 AM EDT

    Ok since my first entry was quite non-creative, here are my next set of random bad dudes... (mostly end game types though)

    Master Bladesman (sword/axe)
    If attack not parried, 20% chance your weapon or shield goes flying into the sky, as if hit by a giant.

    Master Macer (blunts)
    If attack not parried, 20% chance a piece of equipped armor or shield is destroyed instantly. When this happens, you also get knocked back as if hit by unrelenting force.

    Master Archer (bows/xbow)
    Can adjust trajectory of arrows while they are in midair. Also, their projectiles explode when in proximity to the target (though they only use normal arrows).

    Master Monk (unarmed)
    If attack not parried, 20% chance they just take one of your equipped weapons from you - then they behave like one of the above. When they take your gear you get knocked back as if hit by unrelenting force.

    Master Rogue
    Usually attacks with a group. Hard to detect and is by default semi-invisible. If they are not attacked within 5 seconds of being close to you, they pilfer x amount of items from your pack, where x is your current level. They then run away. No NPC will aggro them while they are "cloaked". If you whack them, they become visible though - and in combat, they are just another dude dual wielding knives.

    Knight of the Void
    Bane of mages. Spells do not affect these heavily armored opponents. Even area of effect ones. Summons and zombies automatically explode into ash if they get too close to him, and as long as you are within a set radius he drains your mana passively - for every point he drains, he gains ten points of life (so by default the weakest one has around 1000+ HP). If you are a werewolf or vampire he does quadruple damage against you.


    • 62 posts
    August 31, 2012 3:55 PM EDT

    I like Ponty's giant idea. I feel like Bethesda could have done a lot more with giants than they did.

    I don't have many ideas of my own, although I really wish the DB assassins were tougher. The ambushes should be harder to escape and the assassins stronger, forcing you to be on your guard more when wandering Skyrim.

    • 66 posts
    August 31, 2012 7:29 PM EDT

    That knight of the void is completely invincible to one of my characters O.O

    I'd like to see the return of Goblins.

    A giant Mudcrab would be epic too 

    • 22 posts
    August 31, 2012 7:34 PM EDT

    I'd like to see something more water based like a mermaid or serpent type enemy. I'd also like to see Ogres make a comeback. they scared the hell out of me in Oblivion!

    Another that would be really awesome would be if they introduced Centaurs, you could fight them from horseback or maybe befriend them and ride them, both of you swinging weapons at your enemies!

    • 66 posts
    August 31, 2012 7:53 PM EDT

    OMG THE TICK! Almost as awesome as Freakazoid.

    Yeh i'd like Centaurs but only if they were given a credible reason for suddenly appearing; according to UESP they exist in High Rock and Valenwood.

    Perhaps the Aldmeri Dominion were being assholes and drove them from their homeland to Skyrim where they now act like bandits?

    • 856 posts
    August 31, 2012 8:10 PM EDT

    I would like to see some new enemies, but in keeping with the lore.   The Sload (uesp) would be an awesome enemy - a slug-like race that are powerful necromancers.    Creatures from Akavir would also be cool to see, such as the snow demons (kamal - usep) or vampiric snakes (tsaesci - uesp).  Personally, I would like to see the tsaesci as the major enemy in ES 6, such as an invasion of tameriel by akavir (my old discussion).

    • 557 posts
    August 31, 2012 8:38 PM EDT
    I want the Tsaesci to be a playable race, not an enemy.
    • 12 posts
    August 31, 2012 9:47 PM EDT

    Haha I was thinking something similar with random zombie hordes, but given there are already Draugr I think it's overkill. Vorpal bunny pack for the win! ^_^

    • 12 posts
    August 31, 2012 9:48 PM EDT

    Ohhh did you do the hunter's quest thing? There was a giant mudcrab spirit you had to fight at one point. There's also a giant mudcrab hiding in a shipwreck I think - but yeah I want either more of them, or BIGGER mudcrabs. :P

    • 12 posts
    August 31, 2012 9:50 PM EDT

    Ok I have to admit, you guys made me read up on those thingies. So if you play as a Tsaesci can you still be turned into a werewolf/vampire? :P

    • 557 posts
    August 31, 2012 9:53 PM EDT

    They already are vampiric, but I don't think they would be able to become afflicted with lycanthropy (I don't think Argonians should be able to either). 

    This is exactly why I don't want my Tsaesci Build to have to go through the Companions quests.