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High of 105 sticky hot degrees today...

    • 668 posts
    June 29, 2012 9:29 PM EDT

    I spent the afternoon playing "guys with Jeeps and guns" with Caden. My guy got to drive the working trash truck. But then Matthew came in with The Joker and wrecked all of our cars and messed us up. Where's Batman when you need 'im? So then we left and caught tadpoles at the creek. It was such a delightful day! How is your summer going so far. I can't wait for next Wednesday. Going to the big city for fireworks!!

    • 63 posts
    June 29, 2012 9:57 PM EDT

    Amazing to think it's already mid summer. Yup yup. 4th of july should be nice and chill for me.

    • 668 posts
    June 29, 2012 10:03 PM EDT

    I bet! California Love! I bet the fireworks displays are gorgeous over the pacific.

    • 133 posts
    June 29, 2012 10:22 PM EDT

    Summer in Manaus is like a little slice of hell. But it's not as bad as could have been. I've solved most of my problems and some others will eventually solve themselves, though not without a considerable damage to my purse. The Olympic games will begin in less than a month and I will be absorbed in watching every competition on TV - I'm a huuuuuge fan of Olympics and I just can't wait another four years to see it live in Rio 2016. The only permanent damage is that I'm still damned to my bureaucratic soulsucking job, but at least I got a good wage in exchange for my soul.

    • 668 posts
    June 29, 2012 10:30 PM EDT

    Ricardo, you have not lost your soul! Anyone that knows you knows better! You have a vibrant, multi-faceted soul that radiates like Bruce Banner's skin when someone angry's him!

    I'm happy to hear that everything is getting back to normal. I don't think I've ever watched the Olympics. Hmm, surprising since I am such a sports fan. Well, I have watched the Animalympics.

    • 285 posts
    June 30, 2012 1:52 AM EDT
    Stayed inside all day, upwards 110 Farinheit near where I live, red ozone alert, 90%+ humidity, well at least I spent some quality time with vampires and Falmer.
    • 952 posts
    June 30, 2012 3:47 AM EDT

    I hate the way the weather acts here during summer, when it's not 35°C out there is always some big storm going on out there. So in other words it's either too hot or too rainy and windy outside. I prefer the temperatures from spring, a bit less hot and not that many storm so it's nice to just be outside, with preferabely a temperature from about 25°C.

    • 162 posts
    June 30, 2012 7:26 AM EDT

    I tend to agree with Dieter about the weather. Here a bit more up north it´s the same, sweltering hot or shivering cold while the rain´s pouring down. 

    Can´t wait to go down south to "La douce France", but has to wait another 4 weeks

    • 297 posts
    June 30, 2012 7:36 AM EDT

    Oh Christ it actually happened people are talking about the weather

    Im out

    • 966 posts
    June 30, 2012 7:40 AM EDT

    Same here.. I really can't stand heat, i prefer something like 15°C, its moist as hell here, so it sucks the life right out of you. I'd rather have -10 then +30.

    • 966 posts
    June 30, 2012 8:55 AM EDT

    And how ''cold'' is winter in Brazil?