through the forest

  • this post is not particularly for this site and im horrible at grammar when it comes to writing so please dont judge to harshly.

         As i sit starring at my friend i think back to a time lost in memory.  uncomfortable with this vigilance barks, i told him to quiet himself so that i may focus.  i started to remember all the raids, the gold, and the blood shed.  Countless Innocent lives taken for nothing more then greed and wealth.  all the animals the people, even children were not exempt from death.  it was a life i had to escape, so i ran, i ran as fast as the wind and my feet could take me never looking back to wonder or even ask if i was doing the right thing.  but that was many  years ago, now i sit in my furs and my nature, nature i swore i would protect.  even the animals have grown used to my presence in the forest, i look forward to a day without death in these woods.


1 Comment
  • Vazgen
    Vazgen   ·  October 25, 2013
    You asked not to judge too harshly and I won't. But I have to suggest to work on your grammar and put a little more effort if you plan to post something here. Any creativity is welcome, of course, but consider the readers as well when posting.