Friessa's Background

  • A Little Bit About Me

    My name is Friessa, I'm starting a journal considering the recent events that have happened within my family. I used to live in Bruma with my family. During the Great War my father, Atlas The Destroyer, was on the front lines. He killed many Thalmor, maybe you've heard of him? However when the White Gold Concordat was signed he lost all hope and fell into a great slumber of depression. My mother, Erica, looked after him and payed little attention to me and my brother, also named Atlas.

    As I seeked for comfort with my family paying little attention to me I became good friends with the local Alchemist, Dreas, a Dunmer. He taught me how to make all sorts of concotions, potions to bolster my body, and poisons to make my enemy suffer. Father had an old hunting bow lying around, I... 'Borrowed' it every now and then and practiced using it, I found it far to heavy to use effectively. Dreas told me stories of conjurers back in Morrowind who could could make a bow appear in their hands from nothing but the power of their mind. This fascinated me, however I knew that my family hated magic.

    After consuming several potions I managed to conjure a sword in my hand, I was ecstatic! However it faded soon after a few swings. I was determined to make it last for longer. After months of practice I could summon this sword with only one potion, I showed Dreas and he was very impressed. I train with this blade outside the walls of Bruma away from my family. I met a Khajit and he said he travelled around Tamriel and he promised me that he would train with me when he was in the area, he was called Maiq.

    After seeing Maiq several times a month he had taught me how to attack swiftly, block and parry opposing blows. My mother slowly became more and more like father, she fell into a great depression and father and her were admitted to the Chapel of Talos. Dreas and I spent several weeks working on a potion for the two of them. I gave it to mother and she asked who made it, I told her... She then asked my what else I was hiding. I was unsure what to think and told her I had been practicing with a blade. Father got up, grabbed me by my neck and told me it wasn't a real blade. How did he know? He told me to pack my stuff and leave, mother looked distraught but I could see she didn't have the strength in her to say anything. I went up to mother and told her I loved her, I looked father in the eye and whispered to him "one day I'll make you proud," a tear rolled down my cheek.

    I returned home and made my way up to my room in tears, Atlas asked me what was wrong, I hugged him and told him that he should look after himself, he walked away, I could hear him starting to sob. I collected what little I had: my alchemy book, this blank journal, some food and drink, and lastly my two amulets; Zenithar and Talos. I said goodbye to Dreas, he told me I should go to Skyrim. He mentioned thay have extrodinary ingredients there, it was also the home of my fore-fathers... I hope they won't exile me like father did. As I was walking out of Dreas' shop he stopped me, gave me a map of Skyrim, told me I should go to Morthal. I asked him why, he said there was someone there like me; who was exiled for the use of magic. I told him thank you and left.

    This is my story. I am no longer Friessa The Destroyer, I am Friessa The Exiled.


  • Jack Craven
    Jack Craven   ·  March 7, 2013
    Phil, I was going for a different vibe for her and looks like that worked :)
  • Paws
    Paws   ·  March 7, 2013
    Jack I think the start of this story feels more solid than your previous tales. Slightly more mature, less humour. Not that there was anything wrong with the others, just this one has a different tone.