Facetta Part 4

  • Here's part four

    20th Last Seed 4E 201

    A rather uneventful day I must say, woke up hungry and thirsty again. I had some rabbit this morning, it was tender and succulent. I made some potions that would help my regenerative abilities for magicka and health. I sold some of the leftover loot from yesterday and headed out of Whiterun; as I left the gates I tumled over... Damn wine!

    I strolled along the road heading towards the meadery again. However this time I cut of early and headed up a path that lead to a cave of somekind. I was crouched and checked out the area surrounding the cave, there were two bandits, I took out the archer with a swift arrow to the forehead, magical of course. Flare charged it at the remaining bandit hailing him with fireballs, it was an amusing sight to watch. I bust into their chest and came across lockpicks and gold.

    As I entered I was question by a man cladded in iron armour, he asked me if I was Rudolf, I replied yes in my deepest voice and he told me the boss was waiting for me at the summit. I left him be, poor old fool was blind.

    I checked the first room and spotted two bandits, however I heard a third talking. I summoned Flare and my bow as we attacked the two visible bandits in tandem; we swiftly removed them as threats taking little damage. An archer popped her head from around a corner, her arrow missed by a foot or so, I knocked my arrow waiting for her to put her head around the corner again. I hit her arm holding the bow string back, she flinched and her arrow hit a wall. Flare and I both let off our projectiles at the same time which blew her off her feet and into the void. Looted chests and gather a book.

    The next room had four bandits in it, two were placed above on a spiralling path, I took out the one holding a crossbow without alerting any of the others, I popped my head around the corner to see the two talking and it seems like the rather large Orc with a warhammer on his back had spotted me, fuck. I conjured up Flare and my sword and decided to take down the archer who was talking to the Orc, big green bastard he was. I made swift work of the archer dodging her arrows and slashed her several times and let her bleed to death on the ground. I turned to see that fucking Orc charging at me the his warhammer, looks like he made swift work of Flare, I called upon all my strength and bashed him with his hammer above his head, I then conjured up Flare as he was stunned. She pelted him with fire as I slashed away at him from the front. There was still an archer left, Flare was throwing fireballs at him so I decided to whip out my bow and rape his chest with arrows, it was amusing to say in the slightest.

    We made our way outside and saw a large Nord clad in steel armour, great. I positioned myself out of reach from his hammer and pelted him with arrows, he managed to shrug some of them off, but it wasn't enough. I looted his chest and his dead body for gold. In the chest was an unusual shapped gem, I picked it up and there was this lady talking to me, she said she was Meirda, I know that name. I listened to her and then recalled she was a Daedric Lord. I'll check that out sometime later.

    I made my way back to the stables of Whiterun and pondered on what to do, I looked at my hands and thought I need some more magical training. Off to Winterhold I went. The journey was long and eventless.

    I arrived and was fucking freezing, I headed straight for the inn and knocked back some wine and venison. I had a chat to the Jarl who seemed much friendlier than that bastard back in Whiterun. He asked me to get an artifact from some old tomb, there was gold in it for me so I shook his hand and told him I'd be back with it sooner or later, however he didn't seem to like the college so we may have some problems with him later on.

    I spoke to the barman and bought a bed for the night off him. I sat down in my chair in my room and read a book about the Khajit attacks on the Bosmer, in the end the Bosmer ended up chasing them off and eating the dead, "canabalistic orgy" was what the author described it as. Now that I think about it that Faendal fella seemed a bit on edge... Hmm... I had some rabbit after my book.

    Good Night



1 Comment
  • Paws
    Paws   ·  February 28, 2013
    I arrived and was fucking freezing

    Even after using Clear Skies Winterhold remains like a fridge. Why is that?