Recent Entries

  • The Legend of Hellion: III A Dragons Melody

    They sped down the road, blade and bow ready. Hellion turned the wagon into the camp, and was halted by a rock. They got out and ran to the others aid. It was a group of hunters, a wood elf, orc, and two nords. They all aimed at the beast, but never got a clear shot. Hellion spoke first. " How long ...
  • The Legend of Hellion: II Making an Alliance for Life

    He read through the book. It spoke only of the daedra's powers, temple locations, and what he was known for. But the final sixteen pages had been torn out. He went to the librarian about it. " All of them are missing those pages. I tore them out for a good reason. Here, this is them." The librarian ...
  • The Legend of Hellion: I The Winterhold Journey

    It was night. The snow was still falling in Dawnstar, giving the breeze a cold icey touch. Hellion Frostfire didn't mind it though. He walked straight to the inn and went in. He was greeted cheerily by the owner. Hellion said nothing. He just nodded his head, paid the ten gold for the room, ordered ...