Recent Entries

  • IMPORTANT READ IMEDIANTLY weapon and book cases much improved

    ok so heres how it goes i was looking to unload some of my stuff and make a few potions so i make my potions and then turn around to leave and notice the book case behind me had a few books and decided to unload it so i approach and it says active bookcase and so a try it and wala it will attimaticl...
  • most memerable moments of my first 20 levels

    level one- after the tutorial i headed down the path towards the gaurdian stones chose the mage stone i preceded to a near by mine and cleared it out when i found an ore vain i was plasently surprized and that i needed a pickaxe to mine was even better i found one near by and got to work as i counti...
  • a DLC or mod idea

    hey all you skyrim freaks this is The Gate Keeper(and yes it is wrong if you leave off the "The" part SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!) here with an idea for a skyrim areana it starts off as a simple enough quest a boy man gos missing into the mountains and has gone missing your hired by his grandfather to g...
  • weapons

    hey its a me Mario just kidding its the Gate Keeper again and as i said earlyer im bloging like crazy heres a story just as the tiger people of Ka Po tun tried to turn into dragons the dragons once tried to turn into Men to better understand their ground walking brother but unlike the tiger people t...
  • necromany

    well its not confermend but from the resserection of the demon chicken in that game video its obvius that there is necromancy in skyrim. so what will you do with your new found necromatic powers will you even follow the path of the necro what kinds of quest would you like to see of any will their be...
  • new sneak attack theory

    hey everybody its Gate Keeper here again and im so exeicted about skyrim that im just posting blogs like crazy just to pass the time until its out and out of respect to paul i will try my best to make sure they are rellivent ok so who here has heard about the new assassin system how there are new uh...
  • to wait or not to wait that is the question

    i don't mean to wait for the game you'd be crazy to do that what i mean is will you load the game onto your hard drive and have the game be better in its loading and far off visuals or will you just pop it in play it and then before you go to sleep set your xbox up to download it (that is assuming t...
  • where did every thing go

    anyone know what happened to the welcome page and the leaked and spoiler page the disscustion page and alll the other stuff i mean im just wondering because each time i go there it just shows rules and restrictions and im wondering if this is just tempory work so that everyone knows whats going on o...
  • the ghosts of oblivion

    i am wondering if bethesda fixed that whole problem with there ghost of oblivion you know how you would pick of a strawbarry out of a bowl on a shelf and then everything would fall through it
  • how to make money using crafting

    all right i ask the questions that we all want to know but don't dare to ask todays question is con we use our crafting skills to make money in oblivion you could make a ton of potions and then sell them but the problem was that you got no money or at least not the amount deserved and i hope that it...
  • staffs staffs staffs!!

    alright heres what im wondering will we be able to make our own mage staffs be cause i realy realy realy really want to enchant my own staff ill be heart broken if the anwsers no but dont lie to me IZ VANT SA TRUTH