IMPORTANT READ IMEDIANTLY weapon and book cases much improved

  • ok so heres how it goes i was looking to unload some of my stuff and make a few potions so i make my potions and then turn around to leave and notice the book case behind me had a few books and decided to unload it so i approach and it says active bookcase and so a try it and wala it will attimaticly put my books there if i decide to store them there so i start looking around and whoa and behold a weapon rack so i think there is no way this does what i hope it does trying not to get my hopes up i approach it and it says activate weapon rack i learned that it will store your right handed weapon so for those who spent hours trying to put your awsome weapons on a rack in oblivion just approach and behold


  • Tygravius
    Tygravius   ·  November 21, 2011
    Yeah, it was lookin a bit rowdy, I agree. I had the cash so I bought all the fixin's. Funny, at first I went and chopped some wood and tried to start the fire pit. No such luck. I also realize now that I should have hooked up with some broad and moved int...  more
  • Mimsy Borogove
    Mimsy Borogove   ·  November 20, 2011
    Yeah, my weapon rack in Whiterun doesn't work either. Seems like it's got to be a glitch, why put it there if they're not going to let you use it?
    Also, when I first bought the house I was super excited to go see my comfy new home, and when I walked...  more
  • Tygravius
    Tygravius   ·  November 20, 2011
    I bought the house in Whiterun. The weapon rack doesn't "activate". What's up with that. I was all pumped up! Am I doing something wrong? Book shelf is fine. Maybe the other house's have that luxurary?
  • The Nexus
    The Nexus   ·  November 20, 2011
    There are shield and weapon plaques aswell.
  • Tygravius
    Tygravius   ·  November 20, 2011
    I've done the 'book shelf' thing, but not the weapons. It's funny, I've spent time getting my jars with bugs put on the shelf just right and decorated another with tusks. ugh! That took some time. Now that you've said that you can go up to the 'weapon rac...  more
  • Soleiya
    Soleiya   ·  November 18, 2011
    Yeah, I discovered this a few days ago....I was so excited!  The base game of Skyrim already includes pretty much every "house upgrade" mod I used to demand for Morrowind! :D
    Now we just need some auto-sorting alchemy jars..... ;)