The Snow Beasts of the East

  • From the Sea of Ghost they came,

    The city of Windhelm they aim,

    Ships with sails of black and  ice,

    Carrying beasts with weapons to hack and slice.


    They came from the East from lands unknown,

    The Snow Beasts of Kamal, they will forever be known,

    They surprised the Nords, who were unprepared,

    All were killed and none were spared.


    When they set their eyes to Morrowind,

    They were stopped by a general from House Indoril,

    The Dunmers retreated but not without a fight,

    Then the Nords unexpectedly answered their plight.


    Old enemies unite to face the Akaviri threat,

    Stonefalls was drenched in blood and sweat,

    The Kamal retreated to the Inner Sea,

    Like the wild animals they are, they flee.


    Then the Argonians marched from the south,

    Together, they swallowed the Kamal like a dragon’s mouth,

    The invaders were killed to the very last man,

    By an allied force of Mer, Beast and Man.


    One escaped, burdened with guilt and shame,

    A foreigner among foreigners the Tiger was named,

    Unknown to him, was his new fate,

    To be a hero of Tamriel on a later date.

    Author's Note:

    I've decided to try and take a shot of poetry despite not being a man of poetry but I'll let you guys be the judge of that.

    For the record, yes, this poem is about the Second Akaviri Invasion. If there's any lore errors, feel free to reply.


  • Paws
    Paws   ·  March 3, 2016
    This is great, very inspiring and sets up some nice ESO pact poetry.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  March 3, 2016
    You've done well here to add the sequence of events. Not that I'm lore friendly myself...
  • Cinae
    Cinae   ·  March 3, 2016
    Yes, I agree it's very good. I also like the rare moments in elder scrolls history where the elves and men are on the same side.
  • Ctfgaming
    Ctfgaming   ·  March 2, 2016
    This is really good, even though you say you're not a man of poetry you're very good at it.
  • Lyall
    Lyall   ·  March 2, 2016