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MarkusMasterThief's Album: My Photos

  • Not-Always Lost
    Not-Always Lost I imagine that Valhalla would look something like a sports bar. Guys everywhere cheering and watching the war, consuming copious amounts of dead flesh.
    July 14, 2014
  • Garthar the Old
    Garthar the Old Nah, in Valhalla you aren't watching wars, you fight wars. Getting ready for Ragnarok. Pretty much like the Hall of Valor in skyrim with the difference that every morning the Einherjar come out in the yard and fight each other until they are dead and by n...  more
    July 14, 2014
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed @ Vulfar, same thing happens in Folkvangr, except at night we're partying outside by the fire with the Valkyrie. And in the morn we go over and battle you mead hall boys. And yea, I know there are Valkyrie in the mead hall too - I was just messing with yo...  more
    July 14, 2014
  • Garthar the Old
    Garthar the Old And if you do not die in battle, there are several other realms you may find yourself in. It goes with what you did with your life. Well, if you did nothing and nobody will remember you after your death (4/5 of the modern world) or you did something compl...  more
    July 14, 2014