Photo 419 of 454 in My Photos

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Desperate Measures

MarkusMasterThief's Album: My Photos

  • MarkusMasterThief
    MarkusMasterThief To each their own. For me it fits the character's adventurous image, particularly given that she's a seafarer herself. Not a pirate by any means, but still.
    May 29, 2014
  • Bryn
    Bryn I just feel a person should never have long hair, piercings, or loose clothing if they are planning to fight or adventure... Why? You are giving the opponent something easy to grab and lower your defense... Plus, if it is a piercing, say in your ear, they...  more
    May 29, 2014
  • Borommakot
    May 29, 2014
  • MarkusMasterThief
    MarkusMasterThief Fortunately that's not an in-game mechanic to worry about. ^^"
    May 29, 2014