Photo 306 of 454 in My Photos

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Keeping An Eye On The Stranger

MarkusMasterThief's Album: My Photos

  • Knight-Paladin Robert
    Knight-Paladin Robert Now you only need to defile some daughters :P
    March 27, 2014
  • Okan-Zeeus
    Okan-Zeeus ...No thank you. :/

    The image title references a quote from my blog's character, as does the quote in the description.

    Defiling daughters is definately NOT the sort of thing Chases-The-Wind would do.
    March 27, 2014
  • Knight-Paladin Robert
    Knight-Paladin Robert Just a little joke :P

    The link leads tho the guy who says that line... "Taker of lives and defiler of daughters"

    Sorry if I mislead you :(
    March 27, 2014
  • Okan-Zeeus
    Okan-Zeeus You didn't, no worries - I saw the link. I believe I've been the one misleading. ^^'
    March 27, 2014