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Khal Drogo

Pelinal Whitestrake's Album: My Photos

  • Nelaf
    Nelaf Looks extremely like two of my pics mashed together. My massive Orc thief, and the exact same Compaions quest.
    January 11, 2014
  • Tae-Rai
    Tae-Rai @Akatosh: Well, they're not. There's been plenty of non-build screenies lately

    @Neb: With my Dunmer I cheated XD

    @Nelaf: My dude's big and he's a scary one. I'll get a photo of his face
    January 11, 2014
  • justiceface
    justiceface Yeah that Aesir dungeon is a beast but it's worth it for the armor combos.
    January 11, 2014
  • Bjorne
    Bjorne One time during this quest I blasted him out of Whiterun using unrelenting force... Needless to say they didn't let me in.
    January 11, 2014