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It's a pain to find specific textures and models, but I've managed to figure out how to extract the ESO assets. What's next, you may ask? Why, modding them into Skyrim, of course! No, really, this has been something I've been working on for a long while, and I believe I'm ready to start in earnest. Here we have the male Skyrim body with Altmeri armor textures. Wish me luck!

Tenebrous's Album: Wall Photos

  • Rogue
    Rogue If you publish this you'll be my hero
    February 3, 2017
  • Tenebrous
    Tenebrous Thing is, Nexus doesn't allow ports, so I'd have to post it elsewhere.
    February 3, 2017
  • Rogue
    Rogue If there's a will there's a way :p Seriously, I can only imagine how much better Skyrim would be with ESO armor. Skyrim's not exactly known for their badass armors...
    February 3, 2017
  • A-Pocky-Hah!
    A-Pocky-Hah! We already got the Breton armor as well as the ESO trailer armors in Nexus. So you'll never know... Though most armor ports I see these days come from Witcher 3 and 2.
    February 3, 2017