Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Building Events

  • TED
    June 6, 2014

    Hi, Billy Mays here to try to give my perspective in regards to this concern of yours.  I never knew him personally, so I couldn't begin to say anything on his behalf.  The biggest reason I believe they weren't ranked was so that it would be easier for us to find when everybody started posting.  I believe it was yesterday or the day before that I found an Event Build that didn't have an "Event:" tag, but rather a "Rank:" tag.  Had somebody found it in the Exemplar section, I'm sure one of us would have gotten a "But his build has a rank tag!  Why can't we have one too?" 

    "Proper recognition" - Nobody is entitled to recognition.  Anybody, who creates a build, has to earn it through hard work and dedication.  A lot of you already have earned that recognition on the site for those reasons.  You all worked hard and you dedicated your time to making it something that people enjoyed.  I looked at the amount of views the King of Worms build received and it's very close to the same amount of views that some Mythic ranked builds have.  I'm pretty sure you guys have nothing to worry about, in terms of views.

    If there's anything I remember about the Event builds, it's that their main purpose was to incite creativity and generate site activity.  The past two Events have succeeded in both aspects.

    That's all the thoughts I have at the moment.  I'll be back in a couple hours; gotta inject sum moar stairoiiiidss at dah gym.  

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Billy, you must be a mind reader because this is exactly what I was thinking 

  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    Well touché! Look at you new hosts doing your jobs already :) Can't wait to see what you two pick for the next contest.
  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Soon, Alastor, soon it will be reveal. It'll be simply divine 

  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    Oh, you dirty bird! I'll be watching O_O
  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    I kind of did that with my High Summoner. I loved the freedom of using my imagination but it took me forever because I wrote up like ten differen drafts :p
  • June 6, 2014

    Those are always fun, especially if they're well-done. I think a lot of people have done a similar type of build. I also did that with my Fang of the Dominion (shameless plug).

  • Member
    July 6, 2014
    What about unlikely characters like the altmer thief that I'm playing at the moment
  • Member
    July 6, 2014
    We already have an event in progress, as seem above :)
  • Member
    July 30, 2014
    Any chance we could get the Classes builds all grouped together like the Resurrection and Factions builds?

    I get an itch to look them over every now and again, and it's a hassle tracking them down sometimes :)