Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Building Events

  • Member
    June 3, 2014

    I really like the first idea, if only there was a mod that could make your body invisble, leaving your head visible, or allow you to detach your head from your body and control the head

  • TED
    June 3, 2014

    What exactly were the arguments against having a contest?

  • June 3, 2014

    Skrimizing old-style classes is something I'd definitely be interested in, like how the Agent fits so nicely into Skyrim's world and lore.

  • Member
    June 3, 2014

    People got butthurt, the judging left a lot to be desired, too subjective, and if you go by "likes" rather than a panel, then it'll by biased in favor of (a) more popular builders, and (b) whoever posts first.

    The casual event format has generated a lot of interest and activity, without any animosity or hurt feelings. I think it'd be wise to keep it this way.

  • June 3, 2014
    How about builds based off of "lost" groups and races? This can also include races we just haven't seen like the Maormer. The builds don't necessarily have to be the race as much as studied under, or grew up among.

    Examples are the Kothringi, Lilmothiit, Maormer, Atmorans, Ayleids, and even Elhnofey.

    A full list is on UESP, just type Lore: Races, although some that can be done but aren't listed are the aforementioned Elhnofey and a variety of Akaviri beast races described in the Pocket Guide to the Empire 3rd edition, "Their first appearance in history was as pirates, which we may now assume were also scouts for the eventual invasions. Ships manned by bizarre beastfolk bewildered and horrified the earliest inhabitants of Tamriel. Contemporary scholars find references to pirates with rat-like features, and still others who appeared canine, suggesting Akaviri cultures yet undiscovered and perhaps extinct."
  • June 3, 2014
    Hahahaha oh I wish there was a mod to that level but no mods have to be all about weird looking gear and OP items. I've detached my head from my body before head was about an inch away from my head but I was controlling both really weird and happened when I killed someone while they were decapitating me.
  • Member
    June 3, 2014

    Its part of the mytholigcal creature I wanna do, A vampire like creature

  • Member
    June 3, 2014

    We've had a few of these already -- all the [known] Akaviri races, the Maormer, the Ayleids, and I believe one or two others that I'm forgetting. That, combined with the relative dearth of available races to select from, would make for pretty slim pickings.

    Also, on a personal level, I just can't justify the suspension of disbelief required to be staring an Imperial dead in the face and calling him a Kothringi, or same thing with a Khajiit and calling him a Lilmothiit, etc. It feels absurd to me.

  • Member
    June 3, 2014

    That seems like a good idea

  • June 3, 2014
    Also they wanted tiers which was annoying spree rate the good builders and all that.