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Profile: Aelyna Windsong, Enchantress/Assassin

  • Member
    February 17, 2014

    This is my current Skyrim Character. It has around 40hrs played thus far and been one of my favorites. Its based around several different builds rolled into one to fit my liking.

    Aelyna Windsong, Bard and Enchantress

    Birth Name: Alexia Caemire Birth Place: Lillandril, Alinor

    Chosen Name: Aelyna Windsong

    Alias/Nicknames: Nikita, Scarlet Enchantress, Winds of the North

    Race: Half Imperial, Half: Altmer

    Social Status: Noble (Runaway Hidden)

    Class: Enchantress/Assassin    Profession: Bard

    Gender: Female  Age: Young Adult (21)

    Alignment: Chaotic Good, Seeks to aid others and protect them from harm. Values freedom and individual choice. Is not bound by promises made, but does not deceive without reason. Distrusts authority. Is loyal to friends and good teammates, but not necessarily to their methods.

    Personality: Quietly ambitious,well spoken,and convincing. Intellectual. Mysterious and enigmatic.
    strategic and a quick thinker. Kind, Gentle and Helpful. Very protective of friends and the land. Has a troubled past. Hides it but gives her a dark side. Very Persuasive and Deceptive.


    Being a mixed of Imperial and Altmer, gives her a Taller Imperial look with some of the Altmer Characteristics. Her ears are pointed and Chin is more pointed in the shape like an Altmer

    Skin Tone: Pale White

    Hair: Long a little past her shoulders. She wears it several different ways depending on the situation Usually long straight with one braid going down the front and tucked behind her ear

    Hair Color: Dark Mahogany (Looks black in most lighting)

    Eye Color: Ice Blue

    Body Apperence: tall athletic build, Slender and fit. Clean Skin though she has Scars on her back. 

    Gear and Weapons.


    Wind's Cry Her main weapon is a sword. She calls it "Wind's Cry". It's handle is curved a bit and made of cleaned polished wood with a gold leaves and Wind marks on it. The bottom of the handle has a smooth Gold cap on it. The blade is made of silver with more wind marks near the handle leading up the blade.The blade has the phrase. "Blessed by the Winds of Kynareth. May the wielder of this blade Protect the land and the Innocent."

    Siren's Kiss: A small Silver dagger with a polished wooden Cream colored handle. with Silver Wind markings. She calls it "Siren's Kiss" due to its soul trap enchantment.

    Siren's Song: A polished light wooden Longbow with Silver Wind markings all over it. The string is entwined with each member of her guild giving it a multicolored look.  She calls it "Siren's Song" For it Paralysis and Calm Enchantments.


    Her main Gear looks like the picture below.

    She also has a long black dress she wears around towns.

    Other things: A lute made of Walnut, a Silver Circlet that looks like Leaves with a Sapphire in the middle. A necklace made of Silver with a leave shaped pendent.

    Other Information

    Deity: Kynareth

    Main Skills: One-handed, Illusion, Speechcraft, Sneak, Enchanting

    Secondary Skills: Alteration, Marksman, Alchemy

    Guild: Winds of Tranquility

    Likes:  Water, Nature, Wildlife, Apples, Forges, blacksmith, Women, Night, to be alone, Hard workers,
    Priest, Loyality, Rain, Music, Books, Exploration, Tranquility

    Dislikes: Fish, chicken, Bandits, Men, Nobles, Beggars, Thalmor, Drunks
    Alcohol, Daedra, Undead, Spiders,Vampires,Werewolves, Thieves, Anyone that prey on Innocent people.

    Father-Mithran  Mother-Laurina  Older sister-Loralina  Younger sister-Calina 


    Born into a rare union between an Altmer Noble of Alinor, with a Imperial woman. She had a hard upbringing. Being only half Altmer and taking on most of her mothers appearance unlike her sisters. She was treated poorly by other Altmer. Her father was a very well known and loved Noble of Lillandril despite having a human wife. He even had good ties in with the Thalmor. Her mother was a kind and gentle woman how excelled at enchanting and weaving. She even impressed some of the Altmer. Even at a young age her parents expected greatness. Pushing her and her sisters day and day out. Reading, learning to control magic. Music, painting and many other things. Her sister were better then her at most things naturally. However she was gifted in Enchanting like her mother as well as music. Especially singing. When she was ten, they took a trip to Cloudrest. But they never made it. The caravan was attacked by bandits shortly after leaving Lillandril. During the attack she was kidnapped by the bandits and Taken to there Hideout near the north coast of Alinor.

    She was held prisoner by the bandits for a few months, Before she was sold to pirates to work as a slave. Five long years she worked on the ship doing everything the pirates wanted. Cleaning, making food, potions and enchantments, were just some of her normal task. Until it happened. One day in the early mist of morning, while off the coast of Hammerfell. The pirates were attacked by a group of women. Quickly and almost effortlessly they destroyed the pirate crew. Then disappeared just as quick as they arrived.  She searched the ship for them, but found no trace. Just a bunch of dead pirates. She was about to give up when she felt the winds change around her. three women appeared up on the deck dressed in black leather armor. after a brief conversation with the trio, They motioned to follow. Then just like that the winds around her started to howl and she faints.

    She wakes up in a temple at an unknown location. Another woman was sitting by her bed when she woke. She identified herself as "The Moon Mistress Selene" giving her some apples and water. She ate them as Selene explained to her where she was and why she was there. Selene was the leader of an All female Order called the "Winds of Tranquility". They were blessed by Kynareth. They look over Tamerial  protecting and helping those in need. Hunting the fowl things that pray on the innocent. She was told that Kynareth guided them to the pirates. That there they would find a new recruit. Being the only female on the ship. She knew it was her they were after. She was given the choice to stay and become one of them. Or to return home. Not wanting to go back home where she never liked it.  She chose to stay. throwing away her old name and choosing the new name of Aelyna Windsong.

    She began her training the next day. Starting with tests to where her strengths and weaknesses were at. She already had knowledge of Enchanting and Alchemy from her mother. She also showed talent in one hand, Sneaking, and Archery. She was sent to find an Argonian women named Athena for her training.
    She looked around the temple but couldn't find her anywhere.  On the way back to Selene, walking down the hallway. Right as she was passing a bench. A dagger appeared around her neck and a voice behind her "you can call me "Athena Silentwind"".  She trained with Athena for 2 years in the art of stealth, blade and Illusion. She became a skilled assassin, Able to manipulate simple minds to do her work. How to blend in and hide in plain sight. Athena gave her the name "Nikita." and a dagger she forged for her. "Siren's Kiss".

    She trained 3 more years with the order in various ways and Kynareth's way. When she turned 20 they gave her a ceremony to officially recognize her as a sister. The gave her the nickname "Scarlet Enchantress".  "Enchantress" Named that way for her skills in manipulating and deception. Able to get whatever she wants from men. Maker her a very dangerous woman. And "Scarlet" for the color of her gear. She was given 2 Items as rewards. A Sword she calls "Wind's cry" and a special bow made by Selene that contains a piece of each member of the order called "Siren's Song". At the end of the Ceremony as the sun was setting they went outside to the balcony. As she stood out on the edge while the winds swirled around her. She heard a voice in the air. "Go now my child, follow the Winds to you destination." Then winds raced north. After saying goodbye to her Sisters. She followed the Winds north. Leading her to all the way to Northpoint of High rock. Where she heard the wind tell her to board a ship to Solitude, Skyrim. As she docked at Solitude she heard a whisper say "Winds of the North, Make me proud the People of Skyrim need you."