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Corin Darbon, the badass Breton [TOC]

  • Member
    February 12, 2016

    Aight, here goes. (some may have seen this already in a blog post o'mine, but that was before I had any idea of how the storyblogs here work, oopsie)
    (Also I may phrase things in a way that might make it look a little bit like I just do whatever pleases me and overall just don't really give a shit, but don't worry, I have zero confidence in my writing capabilities. Don't let anything fool you)

    Is it sensible for me to start a story here? No. Absolutely not. I have RSI and should rest my arms as much as I can. Maybe. Probably.
    Am I going to start that story either way? Yes. I am not very good at sitting still. I'll just write teensy tiny bits every time and I'll be fine. It'll just take a little longer. Besides, proper stretching and some yoga go a long way with this sort of injury.

    Will it be one hundred percent lore-friendly? Likely not. I honestly do my best, but I just don't give enough shits to get every detail right, sorry. Just can't be arsed, I'm sure we all know that particular feeling.
    Will it have a well thought-out plot? No. I am planning on just freewheeling this stuff. Mainly because I can and because I really want to. I have no idea where this is going to end up and I just love that. I'll probably come up with some global archs at some point, because that's how it always goes for me and plotting is one of those things you do a lot when you travel by train every day, but that's about it. 

    Now, with that out of the way; the story itself. I will be incorporating multiple of my Skyrim characters since I like connecting them to one another (worry not, you'll get to know them in the coming days because I plan on uploading screenies for all of them, wether people care or not) but the focus will be on a somewhat sassy Breton battlemage named Corin Darbon, who uses the alias of Alain Travert, young traveling merchant and who kind of does what he thinks is right, aside from a handful of things he obviously knows he should not be doing. Like trapping necromancers in Black Soul gems because karma's a bitch and he finds it somewhat therapeutic. His anger gets the best of him sometimes.

    The story will more or less take off where I currently am in Skyrim with this save, but the character's backstory will become more clear throughout the blogposts. 
    It will likely also contain violence, a wee bit of gore here and there - nothing too graphic I think - and coarse language. A nice and relieving F-bomb doesn't fit in the setting of course, but I'll get creative.

    Either way, wanted to get that off my chest now that I discovered the lovely blog feature. 

    All in all this probably doesn't sound very serious, but don't worry, the story itself will be. I'm not much of a comedy writer I'm afraid.

    The blogposts:
    Part 1
    Part 2

    Here, have a gratuitous pic of Corin:

  • Member
    February 12, 2016

    Looking forwards to see what you can do Inge.