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Thoughts on using unique in game items in fanfics?

  • Member
    October 20, 2015

    So, I've been slowly drawing up a story in my head which interconnects all of my Skyrim characters. This works how you would imagine for any sort of fanfic that hasn't been written yet, in that it tends to go rather smoothly, but while fleshing out one part in particular area, it occurred to me that it was, perhaps, unwise to include the use of unique items by any of these characters. Why, you may ask? To answer this assumed question, that anyone actually reading this probably isn't actually asking, I have to say that I do plan on others reading this story (someday), and I don't wish for anything to clash with the works of others. I enjoy the idea of my works, and the works of others, especially those which I am fond of, exist simultaneously in the same place and time (relatively speaking). That said, it seems to me that I shouldn't include any sort of ownership, however brief, of any special items, such as daedric artifacts or any of the items created in the Etherium Forge, by my characters.

    So what do you guys think? Am I worrying over nothing or is this a legitimate concern? Also, does anyone else like to imagine that their stories coincide, even indirectly, with those written by someone else?

  • Member
    October 20, 2015

    Your question is a little confusing. I see no reason why it would be a problem for you to have your characters possess unique items. The real question you have to ask yourself is: Will this benefit the story? 

    I wouldn't try to maintain any sort of continuity with other people's stories. That sort of thing would be neigh impossible. What matters is the kinds of twists and spins you yourself put on Skyrim. Show us the world in a way we haven't seen before.  

    EDIT: By the way, I removed the WD tag in your discussion. That's exclusive for our weekly writers discuss.

  • Member
    October 20, 2015

    Thanks for the feedback, OZ (may I call you OZ?)! I guess I got so wrapped up in the coolness of the idea of my works holding some sort of continuity with other stories that I failed to realize that the important part was making a good story.

    Also, sorry for the confusing question. I tried to word it better, but it just didn't seem to want to flow right, even in my head.

  • Member
    October 20, 2015

    It's okay. And I don't mind the nickname at all. Feel free to shoot any more questions at us or message me if you need something. You're more than welcome around here. ^^

  • Member
    October 20, 2015

    The very instant that you mention Skyrim then your story will clash with others. It's inevitable but more to the point it's irrelevant. You will treat certain NPS's differently to other writers, your take on factions could be vastly different, so why worry that your chars will have items which other writers use?

    If every char in all the stories all turned up in Whiterun on the same day in the same story then I will happily argues my case over ownership of the Ring of Hircine. That will be one interesting day.

    If there are specific items you wish to use regardless of the fact that other writers use them then add the said items. One thing I always ask my self is this. Is this possible in the world of TES. Don't concern yourself with other writers, it's your story after all.

    Looking forwards to see what you can do.

    Sotek Loyal Hound Of Hircine

  • Member
    October 20, 2015

    That was very insightful. I already had the gist of the message, thanks to Okan-Zeeus, but you expanded upon it nicely. Thank you for taking the time to help me understand this.