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The Unabridged Journals of Nerussa, The Last Dragonborn - Table

  • Member
    May 1, 2015

    Hello. I'm still getting my bearings so I'm sorry if I'm doing things all wrong. (FWIW, I'm disabled and have pretty bad brain fog a lot of the time, so I often miss really obvious things...)  Anyway, like another new poster (Lissette) I've been writing the story of my Dragonborn over on the Steam forums, and I've decided to be a great big copy-cat again and come and post here. 

    My character, Nerussa (not her real name), is a low-ranking Thalmor agent, tasked with disrupting Ulfric Stormcloak's group to facilitate the Imperial ambush. Unfortunately for her, the anticipated 'taking into Thalmor custody' never happens, and she finds herself at the headsman's block. And so her story, as so many other Dragonborns', in a multitude of alternate Skyrims, have, begins. Sorry, I really like commas.

    I'm very much still playing Nerussa, she's currently approaching level 27 and has a long way to go in her story. I have a rough idea of what I'm intending her to do, but I'm not much of a planner. I play a moderately modded game, my main gameplay-altering mod is Requiem, and I'm also playing with Interesting NPCs and a couple of other mods that add new NPCs to the game, as well as (so far) one quest mod. There will also, naturally, be characters of my own devising, including two non-Dragonborn player-characters, my Harbinger-to-be and my as-yet unstarted Listener (he won't have Requiem running, just because I'd rather play with Imperious Races of Skyrim and a couple of other mods instead.) 

    I decided to leave the Preface as it was on the Steam forum, I was originally intending to skip quite a lot of stuff, but I got a bit attached to my little Altmer, so it should really be the Unabridged version, hence the slight change to the title.

    Lastly, her skills - she's a mage. She starts off very rusty, after a few years in what amount to desk jobs, and most of her magical training having been academic rather than combat-based. She's absolutely terrible with weapons, and so far has never used her emergency dagger. She's skilled mainly in Illusion and Destruction, with some Alteration and Restoration for backup. (She needs to improve her Alteration badly, to get the magic resistance perks which, as an Altmer in Requiem, are life-savers.) She does NOT use Conjuration, although she will do a bit of enchanting. She's an adequate, but not amazing, alchemist. She is not a smith (although in my story, Lydia is, because in gameplay I've had to have her do a little bit of smithing just so her followers can have silver weapons which are pretty essential in Requiem for dealing with anything undead). She uses light armour a bit (the kinds made of leather) but prefers robes (currently she's exclusively in robes). She will eventually have a suit of glass armour for occasional use, but only when she's had several sessions of training. 


    Book One Part One (in which I am terrible at naming chapters, and also I've decided to call the chapters 'books' - or at least, parts of books - on account of it's meant to be a series of books and, well, TES in-game books are really short.) Now with a couple of screen shots.

    Book One Part Two (In which I realise that the unwieldy main title is going to make calling the chapters 'book X part X' problematic for URLs. I may have to cheat this a bit by initially posting with a truncated title and editing, as editing the title doesn't seem to change the URL.)

    Book One Part Three (In which murder mystery!)

    Book Two Part One (In which Nerussa makes notes about thieving advice from Arissa.)

    Book Two Part Two (In which Nerussa goes exploring alone.)

    Book Three, Part One (In which there's more talking and travel than action.)

    Book Three, Part Two (In which SPIDERS!)

    Book Three, Part Three (In which Nerussa/Gnewna feel very pleased with themselves - enemy mages are DANGEROUS as an Altmer in Requiem!)

    Book Three, Part Four (In which, OOH, SHINY! Also nipple wards.)

    Book Four, Part One (In which icky swamps and mean trolls.)

    Book Four, Part Two (In which Nerussa is really, really bad with swords.)

    Book Four, Part Three (In which I JUST REALLY LOVE IDGROD OKAY.)

    Book Four, Part Four (In which OH MY GOD, DELPHINE.)

    Book Five, Part One (In which Nerussa probably jingles when she walks.)

  • May 1, 2015

    yeah, it's up. You just needs to add your tags. 

  • Member
    May 1, 2015

    I'm not really sure how the tagging works, but I'll come back and edit (I've added some but they're probably all wrong.)

  • Member
    May 2, 2015

    The taggin system is a quick way to find something on the search bar at the top right of the blog. One Tag I always use is 'Sotek' so shoud anyone type in Sotek to search then they will get a list of everything I've done. I would suggest that you add 'Gnewna' to your work so if someone wants to find your pieces then they can locate them easily.

  • Member
    May 3, 2015

    Ah, good idea, thanks, I'll do that!