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The Gaming Corner Revamp Announcement

  • January 28, 2016

    Hi everyone, recently you might have noticed a few changes going on in the group, and I wanted to release a bit of an announcement to notify everyone that the changes are complete, and what exactly they are.

    First off is the new content. We know allow content for Tips and Tricks, Roleplaying, Character Building, Art and Videos, instead of our previous focus on only Character Building. I've done this, to allow a greater amount of content, and to kind of encourage others to post even if they aren't fond of writing Builds. I'm hoping that we'll be seeing an increase in content here because of this, and I'd like to encourage people to step out and try some new things.

    Next on my agenda, you may have noticed, that I've changed up the entire look of the group, and the name. The name change was done to represent the moving direction of the group, we're no longer purely about Character Builds, so why call it General Game Building. The artistic change (thanks to Golden Fool) was done simply to brighten up the group, and let me place banners everywhere :D

    And, to finish it up. I'd like to announce that I will be running, even more events (Yay?) to cover a wider range of content. Some Events will be tailored specifically for one category, for instance my upcoming Roleplaying Event will just be for RP Profiles, but other Events, the big ones will allow content of all types in, and encourage people to release them together. Say I might have Karver to release a Roleplaying Profile and Character Build, or Golden Fool to draw a Gallery to go with a Build. They'll all be fun, and you can offer suggestions in the Suggestion Box.

    And that's all everyone. Thanks for dropping in, and being a huge help in the first couple of months, I won't name names because everyone in the group has been a huge help. So thanks to everyone, if you have any questions about current or future changes, just leave a reply below.