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Dragon Rider

Tags: #Event: Crossworlds 3  #Zalyius1 Builds 
  • Member
    January 2, 2018

    The Dragon Rider

    I gazed around the battlefield the scent of burning flesh incinerating my nostrils. As I stepped out of the tent I was met with a rush of fire... 


    The Dragon Rider stood glued to the spot, his village was ravaged food stolen. His father said he'd be safer here in Hammerfell. He stood back firmly planted against the wall. His village was in flames. Although he didn't know what did it the attacks occured at dawn and dusk and almoost constantly throughout the harvesting season. The Redguard natives were strong and hardy having endured the relentless attacks for centuries but him as a Imperial who was born in Skyrim. His father was a warrior and was a kill first ask questions later type. His mother had dissapeared when he was a child his father had told him she had been killed by a large beast. His father thought very little of the Dragon Rider and found himself always clearing up after him. The Dragon Rider was a scrawny lad who couldn't stomach violence and prefered a diplomatic approach to things. He preferred to smith his own armour but couldn't wear anything heavier than Leather.

    The Dragon Rider had always loved animals despite what had happened to his mother but he did find these continuous attacks annoying. He liked to tame them rather than kill them. 

    One day a courier approached him with a will. It was his father's. He had been killed in war and Ulfric Stormcloak requested on behalf of his father for him to return to Skyrim for the official burial. As soon as he had read the letter the Dragon Rider grabbed his things and made North for Skyrim. His journey was very plaBcid but when he reached the border he was captured alongside the very person who sent him the letter. 

    Basic Information-

    Race: Imperial male, set weight slider to very skinniest.

    Standing Stone: First the Warrior then when one handed gets to 50 switch to the Atronach.

    Stat Spread: 0 Magicka/4 Health/1 Stamina

    Shouts/Powers: Bend Will, Voice of the Emperor, Call Dragon, any others that you find come in useful but these are the vital ones.

    Mods: Summermyst Enchantments, Animated Enchantment overhaul

    Black Book Powers: Companion's Insight, Mora's Boon

    Factions/Quests: Main Story (Greybeards), Dragonborn DLC, Dawnguard, Bards College (RP purposes), companions, Any quests that involve speaking to someone to get your way (negotiating)

    Blessings: Blessing of Talos (Refresh once per Day)

    Followers: Any Tanks, I reccomend Vilkas or Farkas

    Dragon Riding wallpaper

    Role Playing-

    This character is about avoiding violence and harming animals but will kill if he needs to. If you see a dragon put it under your control and not hurt it except the named ones as they are usually essential to kill. If you can try and talk your way around anything as you are a negotitor and a future diplomat. If possible try to avoid killing, maim and go away put try and avoid killing unless it is essential. This character doesn't have the stomach for blood so try and move on from your kills quickly as to avoid looking at them. 

    Skills and Perks-

    Major Skills:

    Speech: This character is a diplomat at heart so this skill is vital.

    Perks: Haggling: 5/5, Bribery, Persuasion, Intimidation, Allure, Merchant, Investor, Fence, Master Trader

    One Handed: If you are ever dismounted from your dragon you will need to protect yourself.

    Perks: Armsman: 5/5, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, Savage Strike, Paralysing Strike

    Minor Skills:

    Light Armour: If your dragon lets through a few shots you will need to be able to defend yourself. You are only wearing leather armour so every extra AR counts.

    Perks: Agile Defender: 5/5, Custom Fit, Matching Set, Deft Movement, Unhindered, Windwalker

    Smithing: While your father was off killing men you stayed behind sharpening weapons and strengthening armour.

    Perks: Steel-Daedric including Acane Blacksmith

    Enchanting: In order to get the full aestetic for the build you will need to put a fire enchantment on your Daedric Sword

    Perks: Enchanter: 5/5, Fire enchanter, Insightful Enchanter


    Weapons: Daedric Sword Enchanted with Fire (Legendary)

    Armour: Leather Helmet (Legendary), Amulet of Talos, Ring of Shout Cooldown, Leather Bracers (Legendary), Leather Armour (Legendary), Leather Boots (Legendary)


    Dragons: Since dragons are such a big part of this build I will start off with them. To deal with dragons I reccomend calling in Odahviing then hitting him with the bend will shout. This will put him under your control. This build is called the Dragon Rider for a reason. Mount your draogn and decimate your foe. As Odahviing won't turn hostile on you when the shout wears off just hit him again with it and ride him more. Some people say this doesn't work but it worked perfectly fine for me as long as you hit him directly with all three words. Since it will be dragon on dragon attacks I reccomend landing often and dismounting to get in some of your own. 

    Outdoors Opponents: This strategy is similar to the dragons since you call Odahviing nd put him under your control. The only difference is that you shouldn't dismount as a breath of fire should swiftly kill most opponents. An importat thing to remember is to kill archers and mages first as they will be the ones whom will be hitting Odahviing. After that you can land if you want and take on enemies without your dragon but otherwise just pick them off from above.

    Indoor Opponents: For these opponents you should have a follower and I strongly reccomend Vilkas but Farkas is okay as well. Vilkas has a 100 Two handed and Heavy armour so if fitted out in Daedric armour with the Giants club see (Giants club location) then he will be doing insane damage. Try and stick to the edges and let your follower do most of the damage but if someone comes charging at you thenuse your Daedric sword and any shout you want to fend them off.


    Closing Notes- 

    I don't think many none parent people will have guessed this or even parents for that matter but my Nephew has just watched the movie How to Train Your Dragon 2 and He wanted me to watch it with him and I did so. He loved it and I did to for that matter but anyhow I though I'd make a build loosly based around the main character Hiccup Haddock the Third so I did. I hope you enjoy this build. 

  • January 2, 2018

    I like the build and the concept, but if this is a finished build, you should post it in the Skyrim Character Building group.

  • Member
    January 2, 2018


  • Member
    January 2, 2018


  • Member
    January 2, 2018
