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Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Living Nightmare?

  • April 5, 2012 1:20 AM EDT

    Alright. So I was watching a video where a guy spins a wheel and he has challenges about games his viewers give him. It's here if you want to watch it. Pretty hilarious.

    Well, the wheel landed on "Amnesia Challenge" and the guy (Bashur) freaked out. He said he wasn't good with scary games and that he broke 2 mice in the first 30 minutes of playing Dead Space which is up there on some of the Top 10 Scariest Game charts. I didn't really understand as all it said was Amnesia so I looked it up. I found out that it was an extremely scary game. Soon I looked at some videos that ended up getting scarier each video and I really realized that this game was extremely frightening. I told Joe about it since he was Livestreaming and we where talking and he said he really wanted it. Well, I said I'd never play it in my life (I'm one of those people who's never been on an actual rollercoaster, never watched a horror movie, and is scared of heights XD) and of course he went on Steam to decide if he wanted it. I guess I got unlucky... there was a demo and he pretty much said I had to play it. It almost felt as if it was some kind of childhood dare XD

    Well, after sort of writhing under the pressure I downloaded it... Then after opening up the launcher I struggled a little more before just saying "Screw it" and playing the game. I decided I would be a "man" and play with headphones like is reccomended...

    To be frank I had watched the Demo as someone else played it before as I was very undecisive... So I knew where there where definately no monsters. I was still absolutely freaked to go in this one room XD Even though I knew most of what was coming I was scared to death.  I went and hid in a closet for about 5 minutes trying to decide what to do... (This is a virtual closet, if you didn't know you have to hide or run to get away from monsters. No guns here. One of the main things to do is go in a closet) After the 5ish minutes was over I just said F**k this and quit the game XD

    So? Have you already fortaken this journey not for the faint of heart and played the game/demo? If you have then I salute you, and hope you didn't break any mice or soil your pants in the process

    If you haven't, and you have balls of steel, or... umm... nerves or something for you ladies then I triple dog dare ya to download the demo off Steam (PC only) and play it. Post your experiences here. Even if you aren't horror resistent you should still try to play it. I DARE YOU TO!

    Have fun.... hehehehe..

  • April 5, 2012 1:29 AM EDT

    Well, I forgot to actually put my thoughts on the game itself XD Here we go.

    I have to say, this game is fr**king scary. The atmosphere and sound are absolutely superb to make you scared and especially with headphones. If this could be played as virtual reality (Or at least as those screen glasses) it would have to be considered the most scary games even though it already is by many and even more emmersive. I got so scared when that door flew open... And then I started to hear growls or screams or whimpers or something off in the distance... scared the godamn crap outta me. I guess that's the main reason I went and hid in a dark closet XD

    If I was a good bit more balsy I'm sure I would love the game. I like watching it even though it's still scary cause people talking and freaking out (Making you laugh) takes away alot of that godamn freakiness. Still though, it's a super freaky game that I'm sure a great number of people have just ragequitted and never played again after 30 minutes to an hour XD

    • 342 posts
    April 5, 2012 1:48 AM EDT

    I can attest to this i barely got past the second flight of was still giving me a tutorial and there was no chance of me actually running into anything but i totally freaked out, i think it was the fact that i was wearing headphones and the only thing i could hear (cause the music is really quiet was the sound of my character breathing, needless to say i don't do well in first person games, i like to see what is behind me.

    Big chicken (aka moi) gave this game a 2/10 cause i couldn't play it, but i give it a 15/10 on the scary factor.

  • April 5, 2012 1:52 AM EDT

    Lol, at least you got farther than I did...

    Most scared I've ever been in my life playing this game... And I didn't even play it XD

    • 377 posts
    April 5, 2012 1:52 AM EDT

    I tried the demo. I got to one part to one part where I had jump on floating boxes and open some grated gate. But I couldn't get it open. I tried, and tried, looked around, and tried again and nothing. I got frustrated and lost all interest in it.

    • 75 posts
    April 5, 2012 2:16 AM EDT

    still at the water part, decided to watch a movie haha

    did you buy the full version?

  • April 5, 2012 2:18 AM EDT

    God no I didn't buy it!

    I'm not gonna buy a game that I'm going to get so scared I never even start it XD

    Sorry Joe, if you Livestream it (And get it to work) I'll watch but otherwise I'm sorry but I'm not playing that game XD

    • 75 posts
    April 5, 2012 2:39 AM EDT

    haha I should have it on Friday, and I'll try to get the stream working with it.

  • April 24, 2012 9:14 AM EDT

    I'm surprised this didn't get any action/comments...

    Grow some balls gamers (PC ones) and give me yer stories!