Forums » Elder Scrolls

DLC - The Psijic Order?

    • 238 posts
    March 10, 2012 1:01 PM EST

    would anyone be interested in this? It's a topic that isn't really discussed much on here, if atall. The psijic order. We didn't see any of them until some college quests. Maybe it could be included in a new dlc. If Bethesda want to introduce new spells.....what better way to do it, than learn the new spells from the psijic order in quests etc?

  • March 10, 2012 1:50 PM EST

    I think this would be a pretty good dlc if it was done well but it may seem just like the college of winterhold. Bethesda would have to add an interesting plot to go with the Order- perhaps involving more secrets about the Order, or something else to spice it up. Otherwise, I'd rather go for a dlc that added more land-say exploring neighbor morrowind or cyrodiil, eh? But by now, Bethesda has to come out with some sort of dlc- its been a couple of months now, and for those who are thinking about taking a break from skyrim or already have need something to put interest back into this game. One thing I'd aslo like to see would be the ability to become a Jarl or High King. We've seen in each game the ability to lead a faction, but how about a city and its hold? Manage the town's crime, people, resources, etc. I'm all for that!