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Something that surprised me...

    • 5 posts
    February 9, 2012 4:17 AM EST

    I jumped off a ledge in a dwarven ruin and my follower, he's a warrior cat from dawnstar, Kha... He was left quite high up above me and couldn't find a way down.  And normally he, and others, will leave me and find a way of walking down, but he jumped down to me, not walked off, but took a jump down to me. I was beginning to think npcs could not jump, or would not, because I've never seen it.  And I think it is kind of frustrating, but I got a big kick out of seeing him jump down to me finally. 

    • 708 posts
    February 9, 2012 5:14 AM EST

    I think followers are scripted to be able to jump down when exiting the 'short cut' way out of the end of a dungeon. I was quite taken aback when one of my followers did it the first time too!

    • 577 posts
    February 9, 2012 9:25 AM EST

    Before I knew about the 'hit the wait and hr and the follower will by your side' thing, I had a follower that wouldn't jump. It was very annoying. I actually went through the all the way through the cave, then came around to get him and "Fus'd" his ass off the ledge (I needed him to carry some stuff). I've notice now too that they jump down with you more. May have been in one of the patches that was released.

    • 14 posts
    February 9, 2012 10:37 PM EST
    I had Erandur as a follower and in some dungeon (can't remember where) there are these pillar type things which you can jump onto from the ledge above. I jumped to one then walked to the edge of it, I looked behind me and bam! Erandur was standing right there. I didn't see him jump, but considering that I didn't imagine npcs could jump, it gave me quite a shock to see him standing behind me.