Forums » Elder Scrolls

Tips - Surviving in Skyrim

    • 856 posts
    February 5, 2012 3:17 PM EST

    Back last late November, I posted a blog about adventuring tips (  Now a couple of months have past, so I was wondering, what little tricks have you learned about surviving in the skyrim World.  This can be anything from favorite potions to by-passing traps, etc.  (No cheats or exploits, please). 

  • February 5, 2012 3:37 PM EST

    Heres one.
    - Never sell potions or scrolls. Just never know when you need them.

    Fighting a shock-based Dragon Priest. Search your inventory and theres that Elixir of Resist Shock.

    Fighting a group of Draugr Deathlords. Search your inventory and theres that Scroll of Mass Paralysis.
    Scrolls and potions really helps me alot as my character cannot cast magic (exclude the magical scrolls, he still can read and chant)

    • 21 posts
    February 5, 2012 3:48 PM EST

    Avoid arrows?  *cough* sorry.

    Always pick up arrows if you miss a shot.  One extra arrow can save you when it comes down to it.  Never rush a shot - make it count (I'm so glad targetting works a lot better in Skyrim!)

    Clear out the potion cache on a regular basis and only take what you're sure you'll need.  I forget I'm carrying 27 frostspider venoms but where's my heal pots?!

    If I could get this translated in Latin, I'd do it:  "When in doubt, sneak".

    • 708 posts
    February 5, 2012 3:51 PM EST

    Use Atronachs to defeat Dragon Priests when you're low level. Since their immune to their own element, just summon one with the same element as the dragon priest's staff and watch the fireworks!

  • February 5, 2012 3:55 PM EST

    thanks. my mage is always pounded by those priests.