Forums » Elder Scrolls

Why does no-one care?

    • 23 posts
    February 2, 2012 7:33 PM EST

    I have just completed the main quest line with my level 45 Argonian Assassin Ranger and I was wondering why no-one gives a damn?

    I have saved Skyrim from a fate worse than 2 weeks of Big Brother and I am still being told to keep my hands in my own pockets.

    I am Dovakhin! I brought the war to a negotiated end. I have ended the dragon threat forever(or at least until the expansion pack). I have cleared 200+ dungeons/cave systems of undead Draugr.

    Why do you assume I am still a common thief?

    Is this the thanks I get? I mean, is that it? 


    What else do I have to do?


    Oh, Skyrim, let me go..............