Forums » Elder Scrolls

What is your favorite place in our great, Nordic province of Sky

  • February 11, 2013 9:25 AM EST

    I love searching the dead and finding ultimate drops. Sadly, Skuldafn is only once. Where do you go regularly? Give me some ideas.

    • 952 posts
    February 11, 2013 10:55 AM EST

    In Oblivion it was rockmilk cave, it had a big battle going on between maurauders and bandits, lots of high value loot. In Skyrim there really aren't any dungeons like that, so it doesn't really matter. 

    • 34 posts
    February 12, 2013 6:15 PM EST

    Hag's End is huge.  Lot's of loot there.

  • February 12, 2013 6:31 PM EST

    Skuldafn. Draugr death lords, Ebony equipment. As Pablo said, Hag's end. And here is another one, Ragnvald. Especially if you've completed the crown of Barenziah. So many gems. 

  • February 12, 2013 6:36 PM EST

    Agreed ^^

    • 67 posts
    February 12, 2013 6:41 PM EST

    It may not be a nordic run but when it comes to a quick loot session, the first stop has to be The Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon. Starting off with Daedra Hearts and enchanted equiptment, then heading insde for some more hearts, gold and ebony ingots, gems, enchanted gear, gold, basdically a loters paradise

  • February 12, 2013 7:44 PM EST

    As do I. Another thing I do; The invisible Dawnstar chests and the chests under the floor in winterhold. Hurray for merchant inventories.

    • 34 posts
    February 12, 2013 7:54 PM EST

    Do the Dawnstar, Windhelm, and Whiterun invisible chests glitch your game any at all?  or is it 100% safe?

  • February 12, 2013 8:07 PM EST


    • 377 posts
    February 15, 2013 10:24 AM EST

    Nordic ruins at later levels when the Dearthlords start carrying ebony equipment. You'll have more loot than you can carry. Also do bandit dungeons and strip the high valued armor off their corpses. Nordic and bandit dungeons are spread all across the map.