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Goku vs Superman

    • 158 posts
    November 16, 2012 3:39 AM EST
    I'm sure topics like this have arisen or been discussed at some point but I feel this needs to be resolved. Here is the situation

    On earth superman and goku are having a get together. Superman has a little too much to drink and hits on chi chi. Goku gets pissed and demands they battle to the death once super man sobers up.

    Who would win and why/how?

    (I'll throw my input in later)
    • 952 posts
    November 16, 2012 4:45 AM EST
    Goku ofcourse, when he makes his hair grow taller and makes it go blonde he always wins eventually. The fact that he can also make use of wishes and he has a whole bunch of other supernatural friends ony makes Superman weaker compared to him. Especially because Superman has a fatal weakness.
    • 44 posts
    November 16, 2012 7:52 AM EST
    if goku goes super saiyan 4 then its probably over for superman,and if superman does manage to kick goku's ass he'll just come back twice as strong because its in his saiyan blood to be able to do so.