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Questions: Halloween Edition- Boo!

    • 668 posts
    October 2, 2012 11:33 PM EDT

    I vaaaaaaant to suck your blood...but I'll settle for your BRAINS!! 

    1.) favorite movie monster

    2.) scariest short story for a Halloween reading

    3.) best scary book for a long Hallows night

    4.) where would you bury the body...or parts

    5.) slasher flick or psychological thriller

    6.) most horrifying movie alien

    7.) favorite monster movie (NO THIS IS NOT THE SAME QUESTION AS #1)

    8.) favorite slasher movie

    9.) book that made you sleep with the lights on

    10.) tell me a spooky story or a real life scary Halloween happening

    11. most memorable death in a horror flick

    12.) most fascinating killer

    13.) best scene in a horror movie

  • October 2, 2012 11:42 PM EDT

    Let's seee. AND WHY NO PERSONAL QUESTIONS, they are questions, so you must put personal in front of it to continue the trend.

    1. Movie Monsters? Umm... Idk. I'll just pick one at random soooo.... Pit of Carkoon/Sarlac. There.

    2. I don't read scary stuff. Ever. Really.

    3. #2

    4. I'd put the body/parts in a big sewer thing behindish my house. Maybe the family of cats that live there would eat it. Or the racoons that visit occasionally.

    5. A movie? Uhh, no scary movies 

    6. Ummm... #2/3

    7. Idk... Scooby Doo? 

    8. Dafuq is a Slasher movie? Probably never seen one.

    9. Ummmm.... Ugh... Just ugh...

    10. One day a guy died because there was a shooting on Halloween, but the shooter vanished as soon as someone came to investigate. OoooooohooooooOOOO (Not really trying on this one  But all the other ones I just don't have an answer for really.)

    11. Never watched Horror.

    12. Ummm, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy, the real life event of that actually happened in Wisconsin... Both are places I have lived 

    13. #11

    Godamnit, Not a good one for me... Lol.

  • October 2, 2012 11:50 PM EDT

    1.) Predators.
    2.) IDK
    3.) Last Apprentice
    4.) Your front lawn :P
    5.) IT. Tim Curry is hilarious :)
    6.) Xenomorphs( Alien franchise)
    7.) Godzilla *Edit Hellboy
    8.) IDK
    9.) No book has. Halloween movie has though.
    10.) NA
    11.) The Leprechaun killing someone with a pogo stick before riding away in hot pink barbie car......
    12.) IT or Leprechaun
    13.) Any "IT" scene with Tim Curry.

    • 668 posts
    October 2, 2012 11:53 PM EDT

    1. Dracula without a doubt, always and forever, Dracula

    2. The Washingtonians-Bentley Little (cannibal founding fathers- AWESOME!)

    3. Helter Skelter scared the f out a me!

    4. My Dad knows a lot of places, I'd ask him.

    5. SLASHER, most psychological films fall flat. I was SO BORED by Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity. YAWN!

    6. The alien from John Carpenter's The Thing. Or Invasion of the Body Snatchers. That book was creepy!

    7. Cloverfield/Dog Soldiers/Hellboy

    8. Halloween, the terrifying classic and the very first slasher film.

    9. The Shining

    10. Had a real life babysitting "Are you in the house alone" happening when babysitting my sister and cousin. Guy kept calling and menacing me. Then he tried to bust our door in and I sneaked the girls down the secret staircase in my Mom and Dad'd room in the back of their closet. One of the scariest moments I have ever had.

    11. There are so many, I am having a HARD time deciding. When Freddy's claws come up through the bed and fillet that girl was great...the priest getting flung out the window in the Exorcist...but probably the best was when Samuel L. Jackson got swallowed whole by the huge shark in Deep Blue Sea.

    12. Jack the Ripper, all those crimes he perpetrated right in the middle of the streets with the city on high alert. It's such an intriguing case for so many reasons.

    13. Hmmm, see above. The creepy kid vampire at the window in Salem's Lot. Shiver!

    • 668 posts
    October 2, 2012 11:57 PM EDT

    Well, at least you tried Julian. I see you had a ready answer for the body parts question. Been thinking about that huh? Knock off Mom and Dad so you can have free access to the kitchen. Cat food, holy crap. You so scary.

  • October 2, 2012 11:57 PM EDT

    I loved Deep Blue Sea, totally something a marine biologist hopeful should watch :P Samuel got blindsided by that shark. Also is that kid, ugh, touching himself? Kinda takes away the scare factor there o.O

    • 668 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:07 AM EDT

    Pennywise was awesome. I wish they would remake IT for present day. I would LOVE to see that done right. The cast in the first one is so bad for the most part.

    Leprechaun, hahaha. I remember that one.

    • 668 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:12 AM EDT

    That movie was mostly tongue in cheek though. It wasn't all that scary. LL Cool J was so great in that. Amazing movie.

    I should have mentioned the alligator in Lake Placid. I love Betty White so much.

    Also the scene in Return of the Living Dead where the dead rise up and eat the punk rockers in the graveyard. Love that one!

  • October 3, 2012 12:13 AM EDT

    It did have an awesome line, " Fuck you Lucky Charms!" Cosmic :P

    • 668 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:16 AM EDT

    Leprechaun in the Hood, hahaha, and riding the big wheel. Too funny.

    • 285 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:18 AM EDT
    Okay, I'll take a swing at this.
    1) The Headless Horseman
    3) Last Apprentice series
    4)A cemetary(no one will question a grave in a cemetary!)
    5)Psychological, I find slashers comical
    6)don't remember my last good alien flick
    7)Van Helsing
    8)don't watch any
    9)never had one *shrugs*
    10)a few years ago, a good friend and I came across a run down cemetary(graves from 1800s!). It was the night before halloween and the house number right by the cemetary was 666. A old man came out and started shuffling toward us, he looked hostile, so we ran.
    11) the death with the marble in the throat( can't remember what movie it was) 12) I won't answer this one
    13) I'm not sure
    • 291 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:19 AM EDT

    1.) The Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth.

    2.) 1408, by Stephen King.  To some people, it might not be scary, but to me, the wrongness of a building/room being the thing that is the monster is terrifying.

    3.) House of Leaves, Mark Danielewski, select parts perhaps, because that would be a loooong night.

    4.) Bury?  Don't be ridiculous.  I'd burn that sucker, then scatter the ashes.

    5.) Sixth Sense

    6.) The alien from Alien, only maybe the scenes from AVP might be better.  More babies popping out of bodies in that one.

    7.) Any werewolf movies.  I love werewolf movies.  Except Twilight...

    8.) None.  I don't really like slasher movies.  They're boring and overly violent.

    9.) House of Leaves has done that once, depending on what part I'm on.  Salem's Lot also did that the first time I read it.

    10.) Hmm.  One time, I heard a knocking down in the basement when my brother and I were home alone.  Never did find out what it was, but it sounded distinctly like someone breaking in/walking up the stairs.

    11.) A recent-ish version of Bram Stoker's Dracula when Lucy is staked in the graveyard.  I guess.  I can't really think of any others that struck me.  I guess with this one, I felt horrified at the death, but terrible for Arthur.

    12.) Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men, not a horror movie, but a thriller.

    13.) The part in The Grudge where the shadow girl walks down the hallway on the security camera.  Creeps me out so bad.

    • 856 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:20 AM EDT

    1.  The 'Salt Monster' from Star Trek - ok, it's a TV series rather than a movie, but it's still my favorite monster.

    2.  See 10 below.  Or optionally:

    There is a short little horror story only two lines long....

    "The last man on earth sat alone in a room.   There was a knock at the door."

    3.  anything by HP Lovecraft - think I'll revisit some of his stories, or perhaps something I haven't read - it's been a couple of decades.

    4.  In my septic tank - after digestion.

    5.  Psycho

    6. Alien from the original Alien movie.

    7.  Love at First Bite (vampires count as a monster, even in a comedy).   I also like Sixth Sense if you don't allow my first answer (the girl ghost did get to me a bit).

    8.  I hate slasher movies - going to go with Psycho again.

    9.  Nothing fits.  I love the dark - I used to sneak out of my room at night when I was young, and just sit and watch and listen.

    10.   I've told this story to only a handful of people in my life - until now.

     I was around 10.  My cousin, Keith, was 15.  I had visited him at his house in South Carolina.  We went walking down a old dirt road that lead into the woods at the back end of his property.  As the road curved, I noticed an older (grown up a bit) dirt road that went straight.  I asked where it led.  He said "I dunno, never went that way, let's find out".  After a bit we came to an old house.  I remember it well.  The house was two story with a brick chimney, it was in a bit of disrepair, a window or two was out, it was in need of a paint job, a very large oak tree was in the front yard.  Thinking it was abandoned - it had that look - and being boys we decide to explore it.  As we entered the front door, there was a stair case leading up, the front hall lead on to what I would assume was a kitchen.  A bedroom was on the left, a living room with a fireplace was on the right.  The interior of the house was dirty / dusty complete with a spider web or two.  We turned right, and as we entered the living room, we heard footsteps upstairs... we made a run for the front door.  We was just exiting as the hurried footsteps made it to the top of the stairs. 

    We ran all the way to Keith's house.  Keith's dad saw us running and met us - asking us why we look scared.  We told him that there was someone in the old house down the dirt road.  He asked us what old house - there wasn't any old house down that dirt road.  Keith replied - 'it's straight back, not around the curve'.  He said 'show me', and we hopped in the car.  He parked the car at the curve (it was too overgrown to continue in the car) and we walked the rest of the way.  When we arrived we found nothing but (chills are going up my back and arms as I type this), nothing but the foundation of a house, some partial burnt walls, part of a burnt staircase - the chimney and fireplace were visible, but partially collapsed.  I thought (or rather I hoped) for a second that we had somehow made a wrong turn or something - but the tree, the huge oak tree was right there - it was unmistakeable.   Keith and I ran back to the car - I never ventured down that dirt road again.  (chills again) 

    Happy Halloween.

    11.  The shower scene from Psycho - dunno why, but it's hard to beat Hitchcock

    12.  Norman Bates (Psycho)

    13.  Seeing Norman Bates' mother for the first time

    • 856 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:21 AM EDT

    Ok, I've got to see #11.

    • 668 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:23 AM EDT

    I love the Ichobod Crane story, Sleepy Hollow was always one of my faves. The one with Johnny Depp is pretty decent actually.

    You skipped 13 Spectre. It's a spoooooky questionnaire.

    • 285 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:26 AM EDT
    Woops, skipped 11, the 11 and 12 i have are 12 and 13.
    Edit: better?
    • 668 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:29 AM EDT

    Ooh, Kyrielle, I love the Pale Man! Pan's Labyrinth is SOOOOOOOO good. I've watched that a hundred times. Have you ever seen Ink? It's sort of similar. Really awesome.

    I think the first time I was really thrilled by a movie was a werewolf movie, uhhh, Then Howling, which seems really cheesy now but when it came out, it was so terrifying to me.

    House of Leaves, wow, I am shocked you have read that. It's been out of print so long and only recently started republishing. My boyfriend had to special order that book for me a few years back because it was not available anywhere. I know what you mean though, it made me run right smack into my wall because I was running in blind terror, afraid the darkness would never end. That book messes with your psyche. I'm pretty sure it's permanent too.

    Oh, and that little girl, she's one of mine. Don't worry.

    • 856 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:30 AM EDT

    Just to be clear about number 10.  Yes it happened (believe it or not, matters not to me).   Years must've passed since the house had burnt down - tall grasses and a small tree or two were growing inside where the house once stood.

    • 668 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:40 AM EDT

    Really liked Psycho, huh Rune??

    WoW!!! That was an incredible story. I am going to have to tell that one to Caden. He begged me to tell him the same scary story over and over Friday night. I finally was like, NO, enough of that one. :P So you never went back there to that place? I would have had to. Sounds so crazy!!!

    • 856 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:46 AM EDT

    No, I never went back - Keith and I never would talk about it, either.  I probably would go now, but I wouldn't know the way - that was about 40 years ago.  They moved to a different place a few years later - both Keith and his father are now deceased, so no one to ask. 

    As far as Psycho -  It's not that I really like Psycho, but rather that I don't really like slasher type movies and Psycho was one of the rare exceptions.

    • 668 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:47 AM EDT

    I don't doubt your story Rune. Strange things happen. It's super creepy though. Awesome!

    • 856 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:50 AM EDT

    The "believe it or not" wasn't directed at you, Shanon, but rather at anyone that reads it.  I don't usually tell the story, it still gets to me a bit - I remember those hurried footsteps - I wonder if the steps were hurried because he was trying to escape the fire...

    • 668 posts
    October 3, 2012 12:59 AM EDT

    Awww, sorry about your friend. The story is really interesting though. Good campfire tale. I can't wait for bonfire on Halloween. I love the spooky stories.

  • October 3, 2012 1:18 AM EDT

    Hell yeah, Spectre, Last Apprentice FTW!