Forums » Elder Scrolls

Xbox framerate issues. Oh no.

    • 4 posts
    December 8, 2011 11:09 PM EST
    So we all know about the terrible framerate problem with the PS3 that was supposed to be fixed with the 1.2 patch, and until today, I thought the issue was confined to Playstation. I have been playing on 360 and while I've had my fair share of glitches, nothing game breaking until today. I started having framerate drops and freezes to the point of having to restart the Xbox. I have looked through some other forums and sites and I have found that other Xbox users are starting to see the framerate drops as well. I'm at 92 hours and this is the first ever problem I've had with lag. One article stated that the Xbox has always had the same problem as the PS3 but we are only seeing it now due to how the drives use their RAM. While PS3 shares it's 512MB between games and it's OS, Xbox has 512MB set aside solely for gameplay. Anyone else have this problem or heard about this? So far no word from Bethesda.. Here's the web address for the article:
    • 6 posts
    December 8, 2011 11:40 PM EST

    I am also at about the 90 hr mark and just started seeing some of these issues. not to the point where I had to stop playing or where I had to restart the system but I have noticed it. Any word on when the next patch is coming?

    • 4 posts
    December 8, 2011 11:58 PM EST
    Well I know the 1.3 patch will be out in the next few days for Xbox and PS3, but this problem probably won't be addressed until patch 1.4. When that will be, who can say. It gets better if you consolidate your number of saves. At least it's been working for me so far.